The Game, directed by David Fincher, is a psychological thriller that sends Nicholas on an unpredictable journey of self-discovery and danger. As the stakes escalate beyond what he could've ever imagined, Nicholas must distinguish the game from reality before it consumes him completely. Released:...
Psychological Foundations of Explainability and Interpretability in Artificial Intelligence NIST Explainability Inferring Concept Drift Without Labeled Data, 2021 Drift Interpretability, Fast Forward Labs, 2020 Interpretability Towards a Standard for Identifying and Managing Bias in Artificial Intelligence (NIST Spe...
While not necessarily evil or malicious, he serves as one of the main antagonists, scheming to kill seven humans and use their SOULs to break the barrier which traps the monsters in the Underground. Asgore is a kind monster that enjoys gardening, Golden Flower Tea, and Toriel's Butterscotch ...
A passionate plea for restoring wildness to our landscapes from one of the world’s most celebrated radical thinkers. In this monumental work, Monbiot explores the ecological and psychological benefits of allowing nature to take its course, and draws on scientific research and riveting tales of pers...
In episode 2, while Letty is exploring the dungeon, one of the various traps he sets off is a Piranha Plant in a green Warp Pipe. Further into the same episode, Dearia takes Letty to a haunted house; a few scenes later, Dearia hands Letty a vacuum cleaner similar to the Poltergust...
The thought of exploring your own mind can be a nightmare in itself for many players, a notion thatIn Sound Mindattempts to analyze. Billed as a psychological horror game with frenetic puzzles and unique boss fights, it centers on a disorientating story with sentient mannequins, a feline compan...
In Sound Mind is a first-person psychological horror game that sees you exploring the unsettling memories of victims exposed to an experimental chemical while challenging you with a variety of puzzles and boss fights shaped around the fears and personalities of those whose minds you’re peeking int...
Host Leslie Poston explores the complex psychological reactions to high-profile acts of violence, using a recent incident involving the death of a healthcare CEO as a case study. Rate S1.E37 ∙ The Psychology of Holiday Consumption: From Black Friday to Blue Monday ...
Social thinking traps are cognitive biases deeply influenced by social dynamics and group behavior. These biases can lead to poor decisions, reinforce stereotypes, and contribute to the perpetuation of misconceptions. When individuals are part of a group, they might prioritize harmony and conformity ove...
An episode guide detailing all episodes of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation by David Production. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure(Season 1) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:Stardust Crusaders JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:Diamond is Unbreakable JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:Golden Wind JoJo's Bizarre Adventure...