In Spider-Man, we follow the extraordinary journey of Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire), an ordinary high school student. After a bite from a genetically modified spider, Parker gains superhuman abilities and becomes Spider-Man. The film also stars Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane Watson, his love interes...
However, at the last instant Mikhail used his powers to open a portal into a parallel dimension dubbed The Hill. In this dimension, time moves at a faster rate, and even though it was a manner of months in the main Marvel Universe, it had been between 10–20 years on the Hill.[...
Reigen even gets to kick some ass for real when Mob lends him 1000% of his own psychic energy to take out the 7th Division members who have them cornered. By working together, a scared teen with godlike powers and his powerless but dangerously charismatic boss can defeat anything that ...
In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, your Pokemon have special abilities. This guide lists all Abilities and explains what they do. There are 298 abilities total in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. They are basically combat modifiers so knowing their effects can really come in handy, especially for h...
a quick and light love story, Location is a pleasant film that wraps up neatly within an hour. Although the plot is not that substantial, this endearing movie powers through on the strength of its casual charm. There're enjoyable characters, a wholesome romance, and even a couple of songs...
Furthermore, the PC also can develop his/her Primary Abilities and Powers at 1/2 the cost of Karma, and can automatically raise a single ability +1CS. Finally, only one single power or Ability can be developed each overtime. Note: This is a Cosmic Power, so player must work with ...
Rate Clearing Past Lives with Katie Hutsel Wed, Nov 1, 2023 Add a plot Rate Clearing Past Life Vows with Christine Pinkerton Wed, Nov 15, 2023 Add a plot Rate Manifesting Your Travel Plans Wed, Nov 15, 2023 Add a plot Rate 2024 ...
Taken because of his psychic abilities, Robin is being held by Ben Childress (John Cassavetes), who is studying people with supernatural powers in hopes of developing their talents as weapons. Soon Peter pairs up with Gillian (Amy Irving), a teen who has telekinesis, to find and rescue ...
A Lazoon - a monkey-like alien from the planet Colevio known for their empathetic abilities and capacity to mimic almost any creature's speech, including human. A troop of Lazoons is shown being held in captivity in the spaceport, having just brutally killed one of their own kind due t...
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