The Last of Us is easily one of the most notable PlayStation 3 exclusives, and the remaster brings enhanced graphics and performance, along with some extra DualShock 4 functionality. Ultimately, the remaster allows those who haven’t had the opportunity to play the original on the PS3 to expe...
Look, there’s no getting around it –Demon’s Soulsis the best game you can get on PS5 right now. A from the ground up full remake ofFrom Software’s PS3 gameof the same name,Demon’s Soulslooks every bit the sort of next-generation action RPG one would hope. Challenging, beautifu...
Want to know what PS exclusives are coming to PC? We've got you covered with the best PlayStation exclusives on PC right now!
List of awesome stuff for Playstation Vita. Contains all most important, actual and cool things in my humble opinion. 🧭 Table of Contents ✅ Main Links VitaDB- Main database of PS Vita Homebrews, Plugins and PC Tools NoPayStation- List of PSV, PSX, PSP, PS3, PS2 and PSM game li...
The PlayStation 5 launched in 2020 with a handful of exclusive titles, and its library of PS5-only games has only grown since then. Here are all of the exclusives – both released and announced – for the PlayStation 5. Some titles are also available on PC, but this article will count...
OP: For 33 months I worked on a spreadsheet compiling all the PS5, PS4 and PS Vita stacking games. I no longer want to maintain the spreadsheet, so from now on I will be posting all the information here. If you spot any errors, such as incorrect regions,
PS4 was defined by lots of exclusives which began arriving in 2015 like Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. Sony also placed an emphasis on social interaction and integration with other devices and services, including PlayStation Vita and the ability to stream gameplay online or with friends....
With Sony Interactive Entertainment adding dozens of games to itsPS4and PC game-streaming service every month, PlayStation Now’s games library now boasts 700 great titles that include everything fromPS4 exclusivestoPS4 indie games. FromPlayStation Classicsto a range of topPlayStation 2titles, ...
10 PS3 exclusives that are tragically underrated MattS|4885d ago |Opinion piece|31| ▼ There are some PlayStation 3 exclusives that have slid under the radar, or been critically panned so badly that is boarders on the tragic. Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel Atelier Totori Buzz!: Quiz...
These games include indie hits, PS4 andPS5 exclusives, as well as a number of thebest PS5 gamesfrom third-party developers. There is also a healthy selection of classic games either in their original form or remastered that are only available with PS Plus Premium. ...