JavaScriptis a dynamic, weakly typed, Prototype-based, high-level, interpreted programming language. It takes the position of one of the core technologies of the world wide web. It enables the creation of interactive web pages. Initially, only client-side web browsers were implemented in JavaScrip...
CS 107 - Programming Paradigms, Stanford University CmSc 150 - Introduction to Programming with Arcade Games, Simpson College LINFO 1104 - Paradigms of computer programming, Peter Van Roy, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium - EdX FP 101x - Introduction to Functional Programming, TU Delft ...
LISP, known for its distinctive syntax and powerful features, has been a pioneering language in the realm of programming. Its design principles and capabilities have influenced many modern languages, particularly in the fields of artificial intelligence and symbolic computation. Here are some of the k...
The course works at two simultaneous levels: first, we will use a programming language that can demonstrate a wide variety of programming paradigms. Second, using this language, we will learn about the mechanics behind programming languages by implementing our own language(s). The two level approa...
In Scala, lists are immutable data structures in which adding new elements is not allowed. So, here we will solve this problem that is generally done in functional programming paradigms. To add elements to a listthere are two methods,
Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms(James Coplien) A predecessor of the pattern movement, it describes many C++-specific "idioms". It's certainly a very good book and still worth a read if you can spare the time, but quite old and not up-to-date with current C++. ...
Data Science along with artificial intelligence (AI) and its various components such as statistical learning (SL), machine learning (ML) and deep learning algorithms (DL) are recognized as main drivers of organizational [...] Probability Theory Paradigms Value Creation Algorithms ML Machine ...
Java programming language. You will learn Java Object Orientation, and see the parallels with other programming paradigms. This is course 1 of a 3 course Specialization titled Java as a Second Language. It assumes that you know some programming and want to transfer that knowledge into learning ...
owner- Reduces boilerplate of properties. Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solver Libraries that help with implementing optimization and satisfiability problems. Choco- Off-the-shelf constraint satisfaction problem solver that uses constraint programming techniques. ...
A couple of Android questions posted by Quora users A great list of Android interview questions covering all the aspects of this career Collection of Android and Java related questions and topics, including general developer questions, Java core, Data structures, Build Tools, Programming Paradigms, ...