among integers), there are methods and algorithms to determine if a number is prime. One of the most famous is the Sieve of Eratosthenes. This ancient algorithm is used to find all primes up to a specified integer. It works by iteratively marking the multiples of each prime, starting from...
returns a list of primes < n """ if sieve[x>>1]: return [2] + [(x<<1)+1 for x in range(1, n>>1) if sieve[x]] def primes_numpy(n): """ requires module numpy and n>=6, returns a list of primes 2 <= p < n """ sieve[0] = False if sieve[x]: # time a fu...
interfacesToImplement.Add(twitterizerAssembly.GetType("Twitterizer.Core.ITwitterCommand`1"));varbaseClassesToInherit =newList<Type>(); baseClassesToInherit.Add(twitterizerAssembly.GetType("Twitterizer.Commands.PagedTimelineCommand`1"));varcommandTypesToCheck =fromtintwitterizerAssembly.GetTypes()where( in...
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