43 Pié Masumbuko Burundi Acting Prime Minister (1965) 29 September 1931 93 years 114 days 10 April 2023[43] 44 Muhammad Jamiruddin Sircar Bangladesh Acting President (2002) 1 December 1931 93 years 51 days 13 March 2023[44] 45 Edmund Lawrence Saint Kitts and Nevis Governor-General (201...
Shahabuddin Ahmed Former President of Bangladesh Ramesh Chandra Lahoti Former Chief Justice of India Stephen Wilhite Creator of the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Miguel Van Damme Veteran Belgian Footballer Bhim Bahadur Gurung 3rd Chief Minister of Sikkim February 2022 Name of the PersonalityField Iqb...
There are no budget caps and player selection is not limited to a particular number of batsmen, bowlers, and all-rounders. A fantasy team can have any type of player. The main aim of a Fantasy Cricket Match is to out-score the opposition by as big a margin as possible. Fantasy cricke...
Since the death of Margaret Thatcher in 2013, Major has been both the oldest and earliest-serving of all living former prime ministers. Born in St Helier, Surrey, Major grew up in Brixton. He initially worked as an insurance clerk, and then at the London Electricity Board, before becoming ...
The prime minister of India (Hindi: pradhan mantri) is the executive head of the Republic of India and the leader of the Council of Ministers that aids and advises the president, who is the constitutional head of the country. The prime minister should be
Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia - both former prime ministers - had been jailed for suspected corruption but were released to contest the vote. The election marked a return to the usual two-party politics after the state of emergency imposed in January 2007 despite the army-backed caretaker gover...
General MM Naravane ‘Bangladesh Liberation@50 Years: Bijoy' with Synergy: India-Pakistan War 1971’ Ayaz Memon ‘Indian Innings: The Journey of Indian Cricket from 1947’ Dr. A Surya Prakash ‘Democracy, Politics and Governance’ October 2021 Authors NameBook Name Jerry Rao Economist Gandhi: Th...
the Ministry of Information of Cambodia, the Department of Information of Prime Minister's Office of Brunei Darussalam, the National Media Council of the UAE, the Ministry of Information of Palestine and the Department of Communication and Relations with Citizens in the Council of Ministers of ...
More than seven hundred thousand civilians fled to Bangladesh in what became the most concentrated flight of refugees since the Rwanda genocide of 1994. The warning ... More »28. Vietnam: A New History By Christopher Goscha | Used Price: 60% Off The definitive history of modern Vietnam,...
The 1992 elections ended 47 years of communist rule but the latter half of the decade saw a quick turnover of presidents and prime ministers. Main mosque in the capital Tirana Many Albanians left the country in search of work; the money they send home remains an important source of revenue...