What’s beautiful about this story is that their prayers didn’t stop. They continued to pray about the future of their family. Their jobs. Their home. Their purpose. They pressed into God, not for the sake of answered prayers but to be close with God. They fully accepted whatever God’...
formulaic prayers, it will become apparent that, for the Catholic, prayer is often meant to be prayed in the company of others. Christ himself encouraged us to pray together: “For wherever two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:20)...
Angels respond to the prayers of the Ekklesia, the Church of God that has governmental authority from God on the earth. When we pray, Heaven moves and angels of fire are dispatched from the throne room of God. The angels receive the prayers of the people and help to distribute the answers...
I prayed three novenas starting at 3:00 PM and ending my final prayer at Midnight. The 3:00 PM hour also has the most powerful significance because it was the hour that Jesus died on the Cross (on Good Friday). The Bible says Jesus died in the 9th hour. Jewish hours began at 6:...
Jesus Didn’t Grasp for Status. But I Sure Do. He “made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant.” I dread admitting I don’t have a fancy new job. This past spring, I finally finished my master’s program—adviser emailed, final submitted, graduation forms signed. But...
Of all the risky things that make up this life, living for Jesus Christ is not risky at all, it’s a sure bet because He is worthy. I covet your prayersfor a full recovery, and not just for myself but we have many sick with COVID now at NTEB, as this end times gain-...
prayers of the high priest Onias, God sends a horseman assisted by two youths to drive Heliodorus out. At the left, Raphael's patron, Julius II witnesses the scene from his litter. The money had been reserved for widows and orphans and a priest had seen and prayed and god sent down a...
I’ll look for Jesus in every one 我在每个人身上看到需要 ’cause I am the body and drink of the wine 我是基督肢体里一份,也同饮主杯 and I’m thankful there’s more than the twenty-first time 我感谢主,他给我第二十二次机会 【转载】灵魂列车 ...
Then I was left alone on the mourners' bench. My aunt came and knelt at my knees and cried, while prayers and songs circled, all around me in the little church. The whole room prayed for me alone. And I kept waiting quietly for Jesus, waiting, waiting―but he didn't come. I want...
his blessed feet complained of pain, being swollen. ImāmBājūrī writes [summarized]: ‘enlivened - that is he put life into the night by prayer; that is he prayed so much that his feet hurt since he stood in prayer for very long. Mughayrah reports that RasūlAllāhşallAllāhuálayhi...