The official list of all top-level domains is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Notes: Name: DNS name of the country code top-level domain Entity: country, dependency, or region Explanation: explanation of the code when not self-evident from the English name of ...
The full list of emojis, symbols, Unicode emoji characters, native emoji symbols, smileys and much more. Please note that the emoji may differ depending on which operating system and browser you are using. If you want to use an emoji, you can just mark the emoji and copy/paste it. ...
Calder was honored by the US Postal Service with a set of five 32-cent stamps in 1998, and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, posthumously in 1977, after refusing to receive it from Gerald Ford one year earlier in protest of the Vietnam War. Álvaro Uribe Medellín, Colombia ...
Postal Address: Private Bag X 021, Vanderbijl Park, 1900E-mail: Mathwasa JoyceField of specialization: Educational Administration, Planning and Policy StudiesEducational Foundations Lupane State University, P. O. Box AC 255 Ascot, Bulawayo, ZimbabweE-mail: jmathwasa@...
.BIcountrycode,Burundi .BIZissubjecttoclassrestrictionsandisrestrictedto commercialuse .BJcountrycode,BeninBay .BLcountrycodeShengbatuoluomiu .BMcountrycode,Bermuda .BNcountrycodeofBruneiDarussalam .BOcountrycode,Bolivia .BRcountrycode,Brazil .BScountrycode,BahamianArchipelago ...
.cynationalcodeCyprus .cznationalcodeczechoslovakrepublic .decountrycodeGermany DJcountrycodedjibouti DKcountrycodeDenmark DMcountrycodedominica .DOcountrycodeDominicanrepublic .dzcountrycodeAlgeria ECcountrycodeEcuador .edu.eduforthereservationofanimportantpostalservice, ...
DO country code Dominican republic .dz country code Algeria EC country code Ecuador for the reservation of an important postal service, authorized by an agency of the list department of the United States education authorized by the state EE country code Estonia . EG country code Egypt...
DO country code Dominican republic .dz country code Algeria EC country code Ecuador for the reservation of an important postal service, authorized by an agency of the list department of the United States education authorized by the state EE country code Estonia . EG country code Egypt...
.al country-code Electronic and Postal Communications Authority - AKEP .alfaromeo generic Not assigned .alibaba generic Alibaba Group Holding Limited .alipay generic Alibaba Group Holding Limited .allfinanz generic Allfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft .allstate generic Allstate Fire and...