This is a list of the notable real-life topics or fictional works which have been influenced by the Dragon Ball franchise. The Dr. Slump remake from 1997 has several references to Dragon Ball. In one episode, Arale Norimaki and Akane Kimidori are seen pl
Vue 2048 (Vue + Webpack) by @pengfu: Popular 2048-Game implemented using Vue,Webpack,Sass,ES6 Vue Simple PWA Tour of Heroes (Vue 2.0): A Vue 2.0 port of the Angular 2.0 Tour of Heroes demo app. Highlights: ES6/7, render functions, JSX, revue (redux bindings for Vue), vue-router...
Table of Contents IntroductionReferences & Edit HistoryQuick Facts & Related Topics Images Quizzes Pop Culture Quiz Discover What If the President Is Impeached? 12 Novels Considered the “Greatest Book Ever Written” Did Marie-Antoinette Really Say “Let Them Eat Cake”?
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List of the most popular authors from China, listed alphabetically with photos when available. For centuries authors have been among the world's most ...
Diversity of subjects.MOOCs span a range of academic and professional topics, allowing learners to pursue the areas that interest them the most. What are the largest MOOC platforms? MOOC platforms offer a mix of courses; some are self-paced, while others run on fixed schedules. Many platforms...
This article will therefore address vocabulary words on the following topics: Culture/Music; Art (Writing and Painting); Cinema/Cultural Activities; Ready to learn the terminology related to the world of culture? Let’s dive right in by defining today’s subject matter. Culture....
This list answers the questions "who are the best pop folk bands of all time?" and "who is the greatest pop folk musician ever?" If you know enough about the genre, please vote based on the quality of the band's music instead of just voting for the most popular pop ...
Name Checkup - is a search tool that allows you to check the avilability of a givrn username from all over the social media. Inaddition it also sllows you to check the avilability of a given domain name. NameKetchup - checks domain name and username in popular social media sites and ...
Perhaps you’re here to check if your favoriteKorean seriesis on the list, or you’re looking for recommendations of K-dramas to watch. If you’re intoKorean pop culture, the K-dramas on the list haveK-pop songsas their OST that you might enjoy too!