weapons that had been used in World War 1, but by the end of the war, numerous modern assault rifles, automatic pistols, and machine guns were being made. These weapons were made in the millions, and some were the standard issue in front line forces around the world well into the 1970...
It's fantastic the offer of planes, I'm still with FS2004, and also have the FSX with the acceleration pack. For years I've played more the FS2004 - pity there are few files for FS 9. In my country flight simulation is not - shall I say - very popular - so is hard to find st...
2,194 items in this album on 110 pages. « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... Last Next » Line of OS2U Kingfisher float planes running up their engines prior to a practice flight at a training base in the United States, 1939-40. Side view of the SMK prototype heavy tank, Dec ...
There's no need to add fantasy or experimental weapons, the authentic and mainly used weapons are already numerous and will take quite a lot of ressources already Spoiler VEHICLES: (Only Land vehicles for now) Spoiler MAPS: In order to have a kind of authentic experience of WW2, we ne...
S.G. GunthermannNuremberg, Germany1877-1965Horse-drawn vehicles, planes, comic characters Haji (Mansei Toy Company)Tokyo, Japan1951-1960sMetal vehicles HasbroPawtucket, RI1923-presentMr. Potato Head, G.I. Joe, Play-Doh, My Little Pony
Of course, this ranking is yours and it will change depending on who you are. Now, I would like to know what criteria you have selected to make this list. For example, the Ferdinand is a good tank, the Panzer IV is a good tank, but they are not used in the same way. If you ...
THE HAUNTING OF ALCATRAZ THE HAUNTING OF BORLEY RECTORY THE PERISHED The Wicker Man (1973) THE WORLD WE KNEW THEY WAIT IN THE DARK Thomas Sainsbury Thrillers Time Travel Tina Barnes TO NOWHERE Toby Jones Toby Poser Tom Sizemore Tony Fadil Tony Tucker Tori Butler-Hart ...
Been so long since I built anything WW2. Have fond memories of some of those kits as a child… The Bren Carrier was always a favourite, but I have a soft spot for Tank Transporters because my dad used to drive them after the war.. collecting discarded german tanks from the desert. ...
USS Yorktown (Essex-class) as seen from the fantail of Light Cruiser USS Mobile, during the October 1943 raid on Marcus Island. Note OS2U Kingfisher scout planes on Mobile’s two catapults.US Navy photographer Lieutenant Charles Kerlee dismounting a TBF Avenger aboard USS Yorktown (Essex-class...