Why These Movies Are Worth Going Back to the 80's: Depicting the early days of America's space program, The Right Stuff serves as a thrilling homage to test pilots turned astronauts, capturing their bravery and determination. This cinematic masterpiece brilliantly transports...
It was revealed in this animated special that Carlton was a relatively young man, with shoulder-length blond hair & mustache. It is also one of the last animated pilots to use a laugh track, which was a common practice in the 1960s and the 1970s. Released: 1980 Directed by: Charles ...
The newest version of the iconic X-Wing, the T-65 is the jack-of-all-trades workhorse for the New Republic. It's built by Incom Corporation. Pilots have visibility forward, above and to the sides, but there's not much viewing space below or directly behind them. Starfighter Class - ...
What We Know:In April of 2022,The Batmandirector Matt Reeves confirmed he and starRobert Pattinsonwill return for “the next chapter.” No other details are available, but speculation includes introductions of a Robin, the cabal of Gotham elite known as the Court of Owls, Hugo Strange, and...
Watch the trailer of The Ambush Stream The Ambush via: Netflix | Amazon | All Release dates Devotion DIRECTOR: J.D. Dillard CAST: Jonathan Majors, Glen Powell & Christina Jackson Set during the Korean War, Jesse Brown and Tom Hudner are two elite pilots serving in the US military and...
The Battle of Yavin was a turning point in the Galactic Civil War, with the destruction of the Death Star by Luke Skywalker. That victory would not have been possible without the sacrifices of the brave X-Wing pilots who took part in the battle. Now you can relive that historic moment ...
9,700 Unnamed Stormtroopers - Killed by rebels off-panel, star destroyer seen. 72 Unnamed TIE Pilots - Killed by rebels off-panel, star destroyer seen. 4,255 Unnamed Rebels - Blown up after crashing into debris. Two Unnamed Stromtroopers - Died of an unknown cause off-panel, bodies seen...
Peel open like a can of nerf gizzards: To forcefully peel open; often used by starfighter pilots in reference to an enemy ship.[468] Peewo: Pronunciation of the acronym for "principal weapons officer"; in use aboard Republic naval ships during the Clone Wars.[7] Penniless: An adjective ...
Johnny Bravo Jul-14-1997 [pilots aired Mar-26-1995 and Jan-1-1997] Cow and Chicken Jul-15-1997 [pilot aired Nov-12-1995] Devlin Jull-18-1997 Robotech Jan-12-1998 Gumby Feb-2-1998 Alvin and the Chipmunks Feb-2-1998 The Fantastic Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor Feb-2-1998 Wayn...
TIE Pilots, AT-AT drivers, Rebel Pilots, Nien Nunb, Wullf Yularen, R2-D2, C-3PO, TC-14, IG-88, 4-A7, TB-2, TC-70, KRONOS-327, FN-3181, FN-9330, RX-24, G2-9T, G2-4T, Aly San San, R2-MK, Gonk droids, C1-10P, ROX-N, WEG-1618, AC-38, R5-D2, BB-8, Prob...