This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. This is a list of characters who are mentioned, but have not physically appeared, in Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, The Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard,
Or if you're not even interested in the inevitably awkward polygon humping that got cut out of early builds like they were the fat in a George Foreman grill, at least wondered who they were and when they would appear in said game, only to boot up the sucker up and lo and behold, sa...
Related to Filistin:Palaestina,Palæstina Pal·es·tine (păl′ĭ-stīn′) Often called "the Holy Land." A historic region of southwest Asia at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, roughly coextensive with modern Israel and the West Bank. Inhabited since prehistoric times, it has ...
This page is a list of characters (including animals and non-humans) in translations of the Harry Potter series. Bulgarian: Арагог (Aragog) Chinese (Simplified): 阿拉戈克 (ālāgēkè, transliteration of the original) Finnish: Hämäkäk ("h
In "Spaghetti Theory", Gloria has to jump on top of people to reach the apartment; she then has to dodge barrels a man is throwing off a building, a reference to Donkey Kong. Big Hero 6: The Series[edit] In the season 1 episode "Big Hero 7", Warp Pipe sound effects can be hea...
The person consensually observing others undress or engage in other sexual acts is also engaging in voyeurism, another fetish. (This isn't to be confused with spying on people without their consent, which is definitely inappropriate, not to mention illegal.) ...
Unlike the first film, Guyver: Dark Hero was Rated R, being much more violent as mentioned above. Despite not receiving a theatrical release, Guyver: Dark Hero gained a cult following and was met with more favorable reviews than its predecessor. Released: 1994 Directed by: Steve Wang 48 ...
He is also mentioned in "The Legend of Goku", when Pilaf explains what his great granddaddy Pilaf said about revenge. Tall Man[] Tall Man Tall Man (known as Noppo (ノッポ) in the Japanese version) is one of the cowboys seen in the Brown County saloon. He is the only person to...
directions as “a bitter, remorseless Salem judge” (p. 78), Hathorne lives up to that depiction in both word and deed – he shows no mercy to the accused witches or their families and is always willing to believe the worst of people. Judge Hathorne appears in Acts 3 and 4 ofThe ...
The following list of implied items is a list of items, objects, and foods that have not physically appeared in any form of media up to this point in time. Regardless of their lack of appearance, the implied items have been mentioned at least once...