题目 6 Complete the text with the active or passive form of the verbs in the list. Use the present or past simple.ask | not paid | design | work | not giveMy dad built our house five years ago. It ___ by an architect but Dad ___ long hours to build it. He ___ permission ...
Transitive passive verbs are always inverb phrases, and they are always made with the past participle form of the verb. Transitive Passive List To create a transitive passive verb, addis, am, are, was, were, be, being, orbeenin front of the past participles listed below. ...
Irregular Verbs – Text Completion (1)B1 Irregular Verbs – Passive Sentences (2)B2 Irregular Verbs – Text Completion (2)B2 Irregular Verbs – SentencesC1 A1BeginnerA2ElementaryB1IntermediateB2Upper intermediateC1Advanced GapfillMultiple choiceDrag-and-dropMixed...
Stative verbs usually refer to thoughts, emotions, or senses that thesubjectof the sentence is experiencing. Stative verbs are often contrasted withaction verbsordynamic verbs, which describe the action that the subject is performing (e.g., “run,”“find,”“make”). ...
(语法`总结)英语主动表被动用法归纳((grammarsummary)English activelistpassiveusageinduction) Englishactivetable,passiveusage,induction I.theverbpredicateusestheactivetablepassivelyfivekinds ofsituations (1)certainlinkingverbs(suchaslook,sound,smell,feel, taste,prove,etc.)shoulduseactivetablesbecausetheyare ...
"Passive" is used with the "for" table" The person, thing, or cause of the 27 generation of a poet or thing Auxiliary adjective suffix... A look A pause or judgment in a sentence Does the particle complement the statement or question? 28, also the mood auxiliary word table ...
passive voice Past tense of irregular verbs Interesting topics Parts of speech Working with sources IEEE Commonly confused words Commas Definitions Try our other services Proofreading & Editing Have a human editor polish your writing to ensure your arguments are judged on merit, not grammar...
Action verbs are a good way to avoid using the passive voice in your resume, as well. Passive voice doesn’t showcase you as a worker the way active voice does. Examples of Action Verbs Used in Sentences To understand the best way to use the words in this action verbs list, let’s ...
Figures of speech help add definition to the English language. Read your way through this article and explore the list below to know more on figures of speech
To go out of order, cease to function To lose control of one's emotions The washing machinebroke downso we had to call in the repair technician. Johnbroke downwhen he heard the news. break intoTo enter by forceBurglarsbroke intomy car last night. ...