Released: 1969 Directed by: Gordon Parks 86 Ganja & Hess Duane Jones, Leonard Jackson, Mabel King 5 votes Ganja & Hess is a 1973 horror film directed by Bill Gunn and stars Marlene Clark and Duane Jones. The film follows the exploits of archaeologist Dr. Hess Green who becomes a vampire...
Age of Discovery Sam Spence Agent Woodrow The Woodies Aggressor Sam Fonteyn Agitation Phillip Green Agitation Bridges Phillip Green Airs and Graces Paddy Kingsland Air Power Sidney Sager Al Capone Blues Eric Gemsa Alekoki Kapono Beamer APM 1996 Alex on the Road Steven Simmons Alien ...
In the town of Taiji, fishermen engage in a yearly dolphin hunt, which the Japanese public is largely unaware of. The intelligent mammals are driven into a cove where they are slaughtered for meat, or captured and sold to marine parks. The fishermen insist the hunt is legal, and that thei...
California has a significant number of international airports. With 9 large and medium hub airports and more than a dozen of smaller ones, it’s one of the best-covered USA states in terms of air traffic. LAX is the busiest and largest of California airports, followed by San Francisco and...
are a lot of parking spaces in multi-storey car parks and indeed for the new Hong Kong terminal of the Airport Railway, adequate parking spaces will be provided. 例如在㆗區的多層停車場內,便有很 多泊車位,而在 機場鐵路新香港總站,將會有 充 足的 泊車 位。 ...
Marston, Caitlin Harris, Daniel Wrapp, Kaitlyn Winters, Dieter Mielke, Lu Xiaozhi, Qi Yin, Andrew Foulger, Rob Parks, Maggie Barr, Amanda Newman, Alexandra Schäfer, Amanda Eaton, Justine Mae Flores, Austin Harner, Nicholas J. Catanzaro Jr., Michael L. Mallory, Melissa D. Mattocks, ...
The world is waking up to a crisis of ocean plastic—and we're tracking the developments and solutions as they happen.
March 8, 2020 Ball parks, wiggle room, and a monkey wrenchMarch 6, 2020 They’re probably wrong, but that’s okayMarch 5, 2020 “How to Write Better Proposals” replay available for a limited timeMarch 4, 2020 How to Write Better Proposals - FREE webinar tomorrow...
) dataset pairs each two-speaker mixture in the wsj0-2mix dataset with a unique noise background scene. The noise audio was collected at various urban locations throughout the San Francisco Bay Area in late 2018. The environments primarily consist of restaurants, cafes, bars, and parks. ...