Europe is extremely rich in festivals and holidays, be them Christian, pagan or non-religious. Here is a short list encompassing all European countries. National holidays are often accompanied by fireworks, and sometimes processions and official ceremonies. EU-wide celebrations are indicated inbold. ...
Thesiger was repulsed by the softness and rigidity of Western life, “the machines, the calling cards, the meticulously aligned streets.” In the spirit of T. E. Lawrence, he set out to explore the deserts of Arabia, traveling among peoples who...
Myths of Light: Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal (Collected Work of Joseph Campbell Series) Robert Graves The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth A classic introduction to much of the Goddess mythology in current neo-Pagan philosophy, such as the Triple Goddess and the Sacrificial... Reveal 2 None Family, travel 589 0 Reveal 58 High Business, home, marketing 590 0 Reveal 20 High Health, legal, lifestyle 591 0 Reveal 35 High Travel 592 0 Reveal 44 Very High Diet, fami...
Halloween was originally a religious holiday for Druids, and is still celebrated as such by Wiccans. The surrounding days were also claimed as Catholic holidays centered on honoring the dead. But pushes in America to take away “evil” elements of Halloween made the holiday more about candy tha...
I plan to make a divider called “Holidays” so all those albums are together and not randomly spread out to the other classifications which would make them much more difficult to find. Great effort was obviously put into this, I thank the author. Now I’m hoping to find a list that ...
Yes. Which is why Easter is one of my favorite holidays. I love eating the hard boiled eggs and turning them into devilled eggs after the hunt. But in case you’ve never done it before, here is how to hard boil eggs. 192. Easter Lunch Ideas Need more Easter lunch ideas? Look no ...
I usually avoid holiday-themed releases — the politics of holidays is just too fraught — but I can’t resist closing out this month’s Rock/Pop section with a Valentine’s Day compilation. As its title suggests, Gothic Valentines is a collection of dark, gloomy songs from a variety of ...
But some historians suggest he may be a holdover from the region’s pagan past, demonized by the Catholic Church. Regardless, it’s customary to offer a Krampus some schnapps. It might not make him leave you alone, but hopefully it’ll keep him out of your dreams. Looking for a hotel ...
Much of the biographical information about Plotinus comes from Porphyry's preface to his edition of Plotinus' Enneads. His metaphysical writings have inspired centuries of Pagan, Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, and Islamic metaphysicians and mystics, including developing precepts that influence mainstream ...