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45 ABNT NBR 13601-2020 2020-08-26 Portuguese Soil - Evaluation of the dispersibility of clay soils by crumb test 46 ABNT NBR 13103-2020 2020-08-25 Portuguese Gas appliances installation - Requirements 47 ABNT NBR 16888-2020 2020-08-25 Portuguese Fire safety to cargo rail transport systems -...
16.2L12 杭州昂升齿科材料有限公司 HANGZHOU ANGSHENG ORTHODONTIC PRODUCTS CO., LTD 16.2L13 深圳市喜乐德医疗器械有限公司 SHENZHEN CEROD MEDICAL DEVICES CO.,LTD 16.2L15 重庆大清生物有限公司 重庆大清生物有限公司 16.2L16 笑联(深圳)医疗科技有限公司 笑联(深圳)医疗科技有限公司 16.2L17 长沙市中南口腔医疗器...
Forged certificate: Holder of certificate within its address, factory within its address, date of issue, date of validity manipulated G1 07 01 45735 018 Lingual Appliances, Self-Ligating Appliances, Ceramic Brackets, Metal Brackets, Digital Orthodontics Buccal Tubes and Bands, Archwire Systems, Bon...
(so other members of the family can have their own), a toothbrush tip (so you can brush at the same time you’re flossing), a “plaque seeking” tip (for tough-to-clean teeth), an orthodontic tip (for those with braces or appliances), and a “pick pocket” tip (for those with ...
SELF-LIGATING APPLIANCES 自锁矫正器 LINGUAL APPLIANCES 舌侧矫正器 INVISALIGN 隐适美 奥新全民正畸优势 AOXIN Q & M ORTHODONTIC ADVANTAGES 德操为执 / 术业精达 1、沈阳奥新全民口腔医院是3M Incognito、隐适美Invisalign沈阳地区指定技术合作单位,拥有隐适美Invisalign认证医师。 2、拥有优秀的正畸医护团队,多名...
Orthodontic technology It is a specialty of dental technology that is concerned with the design and fabrication of dental appliances for the treatment ofmalocclusions, which may be a result of tooth irregularity, disproportionate jaw relationships, or both ...
Our full-service dental lab fabricates a wide variety of prostheses, including CAD/CAM crowns & bridges, acrylic & flexible dentures and metal-based dentures, orthodontic appliances & retainers, and implants & attachments from most major manufacturers of high-quality hybrid products. ...
Our full-service dental lab fabricates a wide variety of prostheses, including CAD/CAM crowns & bridges, acrylic & flexible dentures and metal-based dentures, orthodontic appliances & retainers, and implants & attachments from most major manufacturers of high-quality hybrid products. ...
6183248System and method for releasing tooth positioning appliancesFebruary, 2001Chishti et al. 6152731Methods for use in dental articulationNovember, 2000Jordan et al. 6123544Method and apparatus for precise bond placement of orthodontic appliancesSeptember, 2000Cleary ...