In Un-P.C. Brazil, a List of 96 Offensive Terms Causes Offense
Watch Next Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Celebrating Pride 'Fire Island' Wants You to Rethink the Rom-Com Jari Jones on Bringing Her CK Campaign to Life Obama Celebrates Pride with Motivating Speech A History of Same Sex Weddings—in Pictures...
Polyamory Polyamoryrefers to the practice of having more than one open romantic relationship at a time. Each member of a polyamorous group is willingly part of the open relationship. Share Games & Quizzes See All
my-arsenal-of-aws-security-tools –Open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc. my_tech_resources by @JamesLavin nashville-lispers/resources –Lisp Resources: exercises, great books, videos, etc. net-libraries-that-make-your-life-easier –Open Source .NET lib...
Therefore, it may incorrectly flag content as spammy or offensive. For this reason, you may want to add the majority of your words to the Comment Moderation section. This gives you an opportunity to identify legitimate comments that have been caught in the filter....
?Note: This page may contain content that is offensive or inappropriate for some readers. shit·list alsoshit list(shĭt′lĭst′) n.Vulgar Slang A number of persons that one strongly disapproves of. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016...
De-buff- (quasi „ent-poliert“). Bezeichnet die signifikante Reduktion von Fähigkeiten eines Gegners oder anderer Spieler durch einen Gegenstand oder eine Aktion – meistens bezogen auf deren offensive oder defensive Fähigkeiten. Nicht zu verwechseln mit'Nerfing'. Siehe auch:'Buff' ...
Access is made available only to those who accept the terms of the following agreement. I do not find sexual or adult oriented material about erotic private dancers, escorts, massage experts, strippers, sensual adult entertainers or any other adult oriented material to be offensive or objectionable...
An avid Slack user? A developer looking for awesome tools to build out an integration? Just looking for inspiration? This is a list of all the best things Slack. 📝 Lists 🎨 Themes 🛠️ Libraries and SDKs ⚙️ Open-Source Slack Apps and Integrations ...
"Third World" is an outdated and offensive Cold War-era term. Currently accepted terms include "developing" and "lower-middle or low-income." The poorest and least industrialized nations are sometimes termed "frontier" or "least developed" countries. ...