嵌套for循环 for循环中的for循环 代码 # coding:utf-8 a = [1, 2, 3] b = [4, 5, 6] ...
It’s probably most common to lookup values within a Terraformlistthat contains numbers or strings. There are also times when the list may contain objects that have their own attributes. Using theindex()method to lookup a values index in an object list (akalist(object)) doesn’t work by p...
Full Terraform CLI support, OPA integration, and a hierarchical configuration model. No SSO tax. All features are included. Use up to 50 runs/month for free. deployment.io - Deployment.io helps developers automate deployments on AWS. On our free tier, a developer (single user) can deploy ...
terraform-mode - Terraform mode to edit terraform files. kubernetes-el - A magit-style interface to the Kubernetes command-line client. kubel - Emacs extension for controlling Kubernetes with limited permissions. kele.el - Nimble, well-integrated Kubernetes cluster management package.Package...
ConfigRules object 规则列表。 ConfigRuleList array<object> 规则列表详细信息。 ConfigRule object 规则列表详细信息。 RiskLevel integer 规则风险等级。取值: 1:高风险。 2:中风险。 3:低风险。 1 SourceOwner string 规则来源的归属。取值: CUSTOM_FC:自定义规则。 ALIYUN:规则模板。 ALIYUN AccountId long...
CompliancePacks object 无 Status string 合规包状态。取值: ACTIVE:正常。 CREATING:创建中。 ACTIVE RiskLevel integer 合规包的风险等级。取值: 1:高风险。 2:中风险。 3:低风险。 1 CompliancePackId string 合规包 ID。 cp-fdc8626622af00f9*** Description string 合规包描述。 基于等保2.0三级标准...
object IP restriction rule headers. X-Forwarded-Host (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-Host#Examples). The matching logic is .. If the property is null or empty (default), all hosts(or lack of) are allowed. A value is compared using ordinal-ignor...
info object 其他信息。 type string 其他信息类型。 ErrorResponse 错误响应 展开表 名称类型说明 additionalInfo ErrorAdditionalInfo[] 错误附加信息。 code string 错误代码。 details ErrorResponse[] 错误详细信息。 message string 错误消息。 target string 错误目标。 LocalizableString 可本地化的字符串类。
nushell/nushell - A new type of shell nwiizo/tfocus - Interactive tool for selecting and executing Terraform plan/apply operations orhun/kmon - Linux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor orhun/systeroid - A more powerful alternative to sysctl(8) with a terminal user interface ouch - Painles...
tags object 資源標籤。 type string 資源類型。 zones string[] 可用性區域清單,表示為資源配置的IP必須來自。 PublicIPAddressDnsSettings 包含與公用IP位址相關聯的 DNS 記錄 FQDN。 展開資料表 名稱類型Description domainNameLabel string 功能變數名稱標籤。 功能變數名稱標籤和區域化 DNS 區域的串連組成與公...