A list of ObamaCare's Exemptions, including Hardship Exemptions, you can apply for in order to qualify for Special Enrollment or be exempt from the fee.
Jeffrey Krasner
Here's a full list of ObamaCare Taxes. The 21 new ObamaCare tax hikes and breaks impact us all, but which ObamaCare taxes will you actually pay?
LIST: HEALTH PLANS. POWERLIST: HEALTH PLANS.POWERLIST: HEALTH PLANS.The article presents a list of health plan providers in Oregon including UnitedHealth Care, Providence Health Plans, and the CHP Group.EBSCO_bspOregon Business Magazine
Get list of available states in the country. Returns: the states valuewithCountryName public AvailableProvidersListCountry withCountryName(String countryName) Set the country name. Parameters: countryName - the countryName value to set Returns: the AvailableProvidersListCountry object itself.wi...
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President Barack Obama set out his plans for the nation on January 27. At the top of his to-do list: his jobs for Americans, health care and education. “Although we have our difficulties, our union is strong. We do not give up. We do not stop, President
On January 23, 2023, Health Canada issued a notice regarding updates to the Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist. The modification mainly covered three parts, including: Additions to the Hotlist; Changes to the conditions for existing entries on the Hotlist; and
MOOCs offer many advantages, particularly for professionals who want to add skills but don't have the time, money or need to pursue advanced degrees, according to researchers, workplace trainers, education advocates and HR professionals. According to these experts, the benefits of MOOCs include the...
“The continent’s wealthiest are facing a number of headwinds, and the plunge in the price of oil and commodities has continued to impact the fortunes of Africa’s richest people,” the American business publication said. The naira has fallen by 55% since the Central...