He was a regular cast member on Fox's short-lived sci-fi series "VR.5" (1995) and also acted in an episode of ABC's critically-acclaimed "NYPD Blue" and the Showtime movie "Royce" (1994), starring James Belushi. He upped his American profile considerably by landing the regular role...
Byron "Bam" Morris (born January 13, 1972) is a former American football running back who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Chicago Bears, Baltimore Ravens, and the Kansas City Chiefs. Birthplace: Cooper, Texas Clara Hughes Age: 52 Clara Hughes, (born September 27, 1972) is a Canadian...
Logline: The unconventional attorney character Elsbeth Tascioni, known from “The Good Wife” and “The Good Fight,” uses her singular point of view to make unique observations and corner brilliant criminals alongside the NYPD. Exec producers: Robert King (writer, director), Michelle King (writer...
饰:Self - Former NYPD Commissioner Richard Myers 饰:Self - Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Ray LaHood 饰:Self - Former Obama Transportation Secretary 乔·巴顿 Joe Barton 饰:Self Katherine Timpf 饰:Self - National Review Reporter
The 72 year old had been battling cancer, and leaves behind a son, daughter, and a husband of 52 years. Aside from M*A*S*H, Nakahara also made appearances in Little House on the Prairie, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, NYPD Blue. She even had a stint working on Pasadena's Arts and ...
" "NYPD Blue," "Law and Order" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation." Philips also appeared in small roles in a number of features, including his film debut in the acclaimed "Ragtime" (1981), "Glory" (1989), "Green Card" (1990), "The Man Without a Face" (1993) and "The ...
The 5-foot-4-inch (1.63 m) actor was best known for playing ambitious NYPD Police Officer Carl Levitt on TV's Barney Miller, in which he was almost always surrounded by male actors (and sometimes female guest stars) who stood at least 4 inches (10 cm) taller. The series' stars (Hal...