Commander Ron Hunter (Denzel Washington) find themselves in a bitter power struggle as a potential nuclear disaster looms. As the world teeters on the brink of war, the fate of humanity rests in their hands. This film is a riveting exploration of leadership, duty, and the harrowing reality...
When Bender disposes nuclear waste in the sewers, the angry mutants drag him, Fry, and Leela down to the depths to be mutated. As they attempt to escape, Leela makes an incredible discovery about her true heritage, finally meeting her parents for the first time. Season: Futurama - ...
Draconic Evolution- One of the best tech mod there is, but really overpowered in the late game. Adds things like a Draconic Power Core which no one has been able to fill yet... Ender IO- A large ender themed mod, that just adds lots of new fun things. ...
1957-01-24 "The Effect of Nuclear Explosions on Commercially Packaged Beverages" [pdf] [link] 1958-06-18 "Operation Teapot, Project 35.5 (February-May 1955): Effects of a Nuclear Explosion on Records and Records Storage Equipment (WT-1191)," [pdf] [link] 1958-08-08 Derogatory letter writ...
V4I3 The last survivor of an alien humanoid race who was safely preserved within a 2D book protected by a used-bookshop owner. He is seen exiting the barriers of the Blazing Zone following its nuclear devastation. Visual cameo only.Captain...
A large truck cannot plow through two lanes of traffic and continue undeterred, but it can if it has a steel wedge attached to its front. Most movie sound effects for punches and explosions are not realistic, but the sound effects for rattle snakes and silenced guns are realistic. It is ...
55 people lost lives including backbones of China's nuclear submarines! The sinking process revealed Add a plot Add image 80% of medical resources are spent on 0.6% - 8.5M people/Why are Chinese afraid of getting sick? Add a plot Add image 93 homes dumped in one day/House prices sharp...
The M-warhead became like the nuclear warhead and was banned from the battlefield. However, most warships were still equipped with M-warheads and the captains can use the warheads whenever they get the authorization from higher-ranked officers, and Minovsky particle-scattering mobile suits were ...
Nucleomituphobia- Fear of nuclear weapons. Nudophobia- Fear of nudity. Numerophobia- Fear of numbers. Nyctohylophobia- Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night Nyctophobia- Fear of the dark or of night. Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight.(Pocrescophobia) ...
nuclear explosionsplants nuclear explosions, atmospheric/effect on carbon-14 content in atmosphere and in barley spiritsNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF02521768AOKI,YukioHINOTANI,ShigeharuITOH,JunkichiSpringer-VerlagBulletin Géodésique...