A single platform for everyone NGO, business, support, Funds, products, services, Jobs, News, Blogs, articles, videos...
lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job - A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python githubtraining/introduction-to-github - Course repo for Learning Lab course "Introduction to GitHub". Template repo ➡️ UyCode/uyfonts - there are UKIJ...
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Abuelo Fierro was a Mexican-born businessman, the father of Mr. Fierro and the grandfather of Alex Fierro and at least two other grandchildren. Abuelo Fierro was a kind and hardworking man. However, he despised when people took shortcuts and chose to make a profit over the quality of the...
Women Who Code https://www.womenwhocode.com/ S16 WWCode is a non profit with a set of programs that helps mid-career engineers get promoted. WorkRamp https://www.workramp.com S16 WorkRamp builds training software for the modern workforce for companies like McAfee, Intercom, and PayPal...
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Experts say extracurricular activities can make an international applicant stand out by demonstrating a student's passion, commitment and global citizenship – including activities such as volunteering, jobs and tutoring, even if they happened remotely during the pandemic. ...
Sustainable food recovery Food Shift is developing a revolutionary fee-for-service food recovery program aimed at grocery stores, food establishments and corporate events that will reduce the amount of food wasted in the Bay Area and create green jobs as an extension of our current waste ... Opp...
For-Profit Colleges: Factors to Weigh It's a mistake to assume a program is easier – or cheaper – because it's online. Sarah Wood Feb. 7, 2025 How Online Classes Work: FAQ College admissions experts offer tips on choosing a topic as well as writing and editing the essay. Cole Claybo...