This is a list of third-party universes with smaller forms of representation in the Super Smash Bros. series. Most of the universes are represented in minor ways, such as with stage cameos, trophies, spirits, Mii costumes, or music.
This is a list of companies with minor representation in the Super Smash Bros. series, such as trophies, stickers, spirits, music, Mii Fighter costumes, production material, or other miscellaneous elements that are considered too minor to warrant a...
A deleted scene is any scene or bit of an episode that has been cut out of either the storyboard version, DVD releases, or in reruns after the original airing. A scene may also be cut from the episode after its initial airing.
In the beginning of the episode "Doggonit", Oscar is seen playing a video game that involves a yellow character in red overalls jumping across obstacles and fending off a turtle with a saw. Oscar says the game he is playing is called "Kooky Carpenter Cousins", which is based on Super Ma...
Catalan: Nitrèpid Bus ("Nitrèpid" from Nit "night" and Intrèpid "fearless") Chinese (Simplified): 骑士公共汽车 Chinese (Traditional): 騎士公車 Croatian: Moćni autobus Czech: Záchranný autobus ("Rescue/Saving Bus") Danish: Natbussen (the night bus) Dutch: Collectebus ("Collection ...
This is a table of default villager names. Please note that the following list is based off on an ongoing experiment with the naming system of the game and therefore it is incomplete! Villagers are named at the age of two. The names are based off of diff
Integrated database of public ChIP-Seq datasets: Alternative splicing: Interactive multi-omics tissue assay database: Database of cis-regulatory elements (enhancers): http://www.kostkalab...
WikiPageCreateOrUpdateParameters WikiPageDetail WikiPageMove WikiPageMoveParameters WikiPageMoveResponse WikiPageResponse WikiPagesBatchRequest WikiPageStat WikiPageViewStats WikiRestClient WikiType WikiUpdatedNotificationMessage WikiUpdateParameters WikiV2 Wıql WitContribution WitContribution WorkArtifactLink workf...
Francesco Raffaele Nitto (Italian pronunciation: [franˈtʃesko raffaˈɛːle nitˈto]; January 27, 1886 – March 19, 1943), commonly known as Frank Nitti was an Italian-American gangster. One of Al Capone's top henchmen, Nitti was in charge of all money flowing through the ope...
The first part is a collection of quality articles about CobaltStrike The third part is about the integration of the new features BOF resources This project is to solve the problem of not finding the right aggressor script or BOF when it is needed If there is quality content that is not ...