Neuropsychological tests Executive function Adult摘要 The List Sorting Working Memory Test was designed to assess working memory (WM) as part of the NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery. List Sorting is a sequencing task requiring children and adults to sort and sequence stimuli that are presented visually...
原文格式 PDF 正文语种 中图分类 关键词 Cognition Working Memory Memory Short-Term Neuropsychological Tests Executive Function Adult; 机译:认知;工作记忆;记忆;短期;神经心理测验;执行功能;成人; 入库时间 2022-08-21 11:18:30 相似文献 外文文献 中文文献 专利 1. NIH toolbox cognition battery ...
while community volunteers were consistent with published scores available from a representative community sample.#Accurate neuropsychological assessment of Alzheimer's disease may require consideration of potentially subtle differences between older adults tested at university centers and those tested in the com...
(2006).Theinfluenceoflanguagebackgroundon testsofcognitiveability:AustralianData.AustralianPsychologist,41,48-54 Cattell,R.B.(1963).Theoryofcrystallisedandfluidintelligence:Acriticalexperiment.Journalof EducationalPsychology,54,1-22 Clairborn,C.D.&Hanson,W.E.(1999).TestInterpretation:ASocialInfluence...