This film presents the real-life tale of young Ruby Bridges (Chaz Monet), one of the first African-American children to attend an integrated school in the Deep South. At only age 6, Ruby is selected to attend an all-white school in New Orleans, causing an uproar in the racially divided...
At a Catholic public school, Benjamin Stanfield (DOMINIC GUARD) is tired of being the teacher's pet and decides to play a practical joke on his former master, Father Goddard (RICHARD BURTON). In confession, Stanfield tells Goddard that he accidentally murdered his friend and buried him in the...
The man had a son who was murdered by Android 17 during the attack (implied in the FUNimation original and remastered dubs to be the same boy who Android 18 thought was cute and was angered with 17 for murdering), getting him enraged enough to attempt to shoot Android 17, weakly ...
I remember this 'historical" disaster pic getting murdered by critics at the time of it's release. But as a kid, I thought that as far as thriller escapist fares go, this movie, just like many of the other 70's diaster flicks of the time, was pretty bad-ass. But, then again, th...
But the most important thing is that cousins are family. We are Cousins / Somos primos celebrates the joy of this special family bond. The children explain that they are cousins because their mothers are sisters, and from the moment they get together, the fun begins. They march in a ...
Three years ago, her sister was raped and murdered, and the killer was never found. She isolates herself, not knowing how to open up to the people around her. As her senior year starts, Alex is in a dark place, struggling to connect with anyone in her life as she grapples with ...
Here we gathered the best horror movies of the world. They are sorted by rating. This top 50 horror list was created with All My Movies program. If you want to sort this movie list by title or check the movies you already seen, you can download All My Movies, open the collection and...
2003.11.19 France Paris 2 0 Two Jewish men are brutally murdered by Muslims in separate attacks in Paris. One has his throat slit and eyes gouged while a 53-year old mother is stabbed 27 times in the neck and chest. 2003.11.19 Bangladesh Chittagong 11 0 Eleven members of a Hindu famil...
Who Murdered the Gingerbread Man? Who Shot the Sheriff? Who Stole Poseidon’s Trident? Who Stole the Jell-O in the Nursing Home? Why Bananas Belong to the Monkeys Why Crocodile Is So Snappy Why Pig Likes The Mud Why The Bullfrog Croaks Why you are Qualified to Teach Drama Winnie the Poo...
is constantly harassed and has panic attacks since his father was murdered by an Oakland police officer several years ago. In this powerful novel told in verse, Moss finds solace in activism and friendship. When he begins to understand that anger can be a source of strength, he starts to se...