系统标签: mozart symphony concerto major piano amadeus ListofcompositionsbyWolfgangAmadeusMozartContents1Symphonies1.1Childhoodsymphonies(1764–1771)1.2Salzburg-erasymphonies(1771–1781)1.3Latesymphonies(1781–1791)2Concertos2.1Pianoconcertos2.2Violinconcertos2.3Hornconcertos2.4Otherconcertos2.4.1Concertantesymphonies3Pia...
List of compositions by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contents 1 Symphonies 1.1 Childhood symphonies (1764–1771) 1.2 Salzburg-era symphonies (1771–1781) 1.3 Late symphonies (1781–1791) 2 Concertos 2.1 Piano concertos 2.2 Violin concertos 2.3 Horn concertos 2.4 Other concertos 2.4.1 Concertante symphonies...
勃拉姆斯全部作品列表(List of compositions by Johannes Brahms).doc,List of compositions by Johannes Brahms Contents 1 Works by genre 1.1 Orchestral 1.2 Concertante 1.3 Vocal Orchestral 1.4 Chamber 1.5 Piano 1.6 Organ 1.7 Vocal 2 Works by opus number 3 Wor
Mozart Violin Concerto No. 6 [sic] in B♭major (published 1946) Paganini Violin Concerto No. 1 in D major, Op.6 Viotti Violin Concerto No. 22 in A minor (published 1966) 1.8 Concerto in C Majorin the style of Vivaldi (also arranged for violin and piano - see below) 1.9 Title Pu...
Mlada(Млада):1889-1890(completesettingofunstagedcollaborativeprojectfrom1872) ChristmasEve(НочьпередРождеством=Noč'peredRoždestvom):1894-1895 Sadko(Садко):1895-1896 MozartandSalieri(МоцартиСальери=MocartiSal'eri):1897 ...
The Life of an ArtistLists of fascinating facts and surprising trivia about the rich lives of some of history's most creative people. Great Movies About Real Artists Richard Dadd 17 Bizarre, Mind-Blowing Facts And Stories About Mozart J.S. Bach Ludwig van Beethoven Bob Ross How They Passed...
【例】Mozart’s compositions are undoubtedly amongst the world’s greatest. 【释】n. 组成 (the different parts which something is made of) 【例】Scientists study the composition of the soil. 【近】makeup racial /ˈreɪʃl/ 【释】adj. 种族的 (of or relating to race) 【例】the eli...
She made her operatic debut that year as Pamina in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte at the Komische Oper Berlin. In 1993, the International Franz Schubert Institute, whose jury that year included Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, awarded her first prize in the International Franz ...
Mlada (Млада): 1889-1890 (complete setting of unstaged collaborative project from 1872) Christmas Eve (НочьпередРождеством= Noč' pered Roždestvom): 1894-1895 Sadko (Садко): 1895-1896 Mozart and Salieri (МоцартиСальери= Mocart i ...
1895 (2nd version) Mlada (): 1889-1890 (complete setting of unstaged collaborative project from 1872) Christmas Eve ( = No pered Rodestvom): 1894-1895 Sadko (): 1895-1896 Mozart and Salieri ( = Mocart i Saleri): 1897 The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga ( = Bojarynja Vera eloga): 1898 ...