The list of implied locations is a list of places that have not physically appeared in the Super Mario franchise, but have been mentioned at least once.
List of Island Countries: Check Island Countries along with Capital Cities, Geographic Location, Population, and Area are listed in alphabetical order.
512,570 as of 2014. It is comparable to 2.19% of the total world Due to which Bangladesh ranks at eight position in the list of top ten most populated countries. 30% of it is urban-residing in cities.
Bahrain is one of the most densely populated countries in the world; about 89% of the population lives in the two principal cities of Manama and Al Muharraq. Approximately 66% of the indigenous population is originally from the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. [source] ...
urbanization, the process by which large numbers of people become permanently concentrated in relatively small areas, forming cities. The definition of whatconstitutesacitychanges from time to time and place to place, but it is most usual to explain the term as a matter ofdemographics. TheUnited...
The early promise of the New World as a refuge and land of opportunity was realized dramatically in the 20th century with the emergence of the United States as a world power. With a total population exceeded only by those of India and China, the United States is also characterized by an ...
OpenStreetMap: Crowd-sourced data for the whole world consisting of most things you'd find on a standard local paper map: points of interest, buildings, roads and road names, ferry routes etc. OSM Metro Extracts: City-sized extracts of the OpenStreetMap dataset, updated weekly for cities ac...
Texas is the second most populated state (29,000,000 people) in the United States and ranks second in the size of its economy. The State of Texas encompasses
New Delhi in India, Tokyo in Japan, and Moscow in Russia are also massive cities with populations over 12 million people. What are the 10 largest capital cities in the world? The 10 most populated capitals of the world in order from the biggest are: Beijing, Kinshasa, New Delhi, Tokyo,...
The list of implied locations is a list of places that have not physically appeared in the Super Mario franchise, but have been mentioned at least once.