Brazil (Portuguese: Brasil) is a country in South America, known for being one of the world's largest countries by both land mass (fifth-biggest) and population (seventh most populous); it is also famous for containing a significant chunk of the Amazon rain forest, the largest of its ...
This section contains benchmarks or datasets used for benchmarks for ML systems, particularly those related to responsible ML desiderata.ResourceDescription benchm-ml "A minimal benchmark for scalability, speed and accuracy of commonly used open source implementations (R packages, Python scikit-learn,...
List of famous people from Spain, including photos when available. The people below are listed by their popularity, so the most recognizable names are at the ...
List of the most popular authors from Sweden, listed alphabetically with photos when available. For centuries authors have been among the world's most important people, helping chronicle history and keep us entertained with one of the earliest forms of storytelling. Whether they're known for...
Overview of commonly used terminology and jargon related to deafness. Introduction to the existence of Deaf Culture. WEEK 3 "My Child is born deaf" - Language acquisition Summary and analysis of communication options for those that are members of the American Deaf community. Introduction of the ...
Cell Shoop Da Whoop, the picture most commonly associating with Shoop Da Whoop Cell commonly appears in the Shoop Da Woop!/Imma Firin' Mah Lazah meme and appears at the end of each episode of the Lazer Collection. Kid Goku is seen riding the Flying Nimbus in the Ultimate Showdown video....
Linking non-financial metrics to financial performance is one of the most important things we do as managers, and also one of the most difficult. We need to forecast future financial performance, but we have to take non-financial actions to influence it. And we must be able to accurately pr...
Each year, New Zealand officials have to turn down a bevy of unusual name requests by parents. Since 2001, the monikers most commonly shot down are “Justice” and “King.”“Mafia No Fear”was requested just once. Malek: Saudi Arabia ...
Association Croquet— an advanced game of Croquet played at the international level involving four balls teamed in pairs, with both balls going through every hoop for one pair to win. Association Football— more commonly known as Football or Soccer. It is the world's most popular sport, played...
Acronyms have always been an integral part of computer culture, and they have since spawned a new language on the Internet. Commonly thought of as a series of letters that make up a 'word' there is a distinction between acronyms and shorthand. The actual definition of an acronym and text ...