Despite the recent removal of films and series, Max still has a growing list of original movies and TV shows that are exclusively found on the streaming service in the US. Many of the shows and movies come from other countries worldwide and are being released as Max Originals. From the M...
Apple Tv Monsterverse (Image credit: Apple) Apple has announced that it has landed a live-action Godzilla and Titans original television series. The series, which will come from the material contained in Legendary's Monsterverse franchise, will follow the story of a family who tries to uncover ...
电影| MonsterVerse Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019 132min) 推荐星级:★★ 小李评分:4.5 #急功近利,三鼓而竭。硬推MonsterVerse,神话叙事想讲God vs King,但基本的故事搭建不足,宇宙感全靠片头片尾"报纸快剪"输出。虚张声势,骨架全垮。好莱坞商业模式(宇宙电影)成功后跟风烂片的失败案例。 纯功能性的人...
Up next in the Art Spirits elite Hyper Solid series is everyone’s favorite kaiju as it appeared in the 2019 blockbusterGodzilla: King of the Monsters.An evolution of the 2014 kaiju seen in the “MonsterVerse” series from Legendary Pictures, the monstrous reptilian creature is captured in a ...
The Legendary MonsterVerse continues with Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, a sci-fi action series created for Apple TV+. Set after the events of Godzilla vs. Kong, the series follows two siblings retracing their father's footsteps to uncover the truth behind their family legacy. What they find ...
Mon, Aug 17, 2020 Add a plot Rate S1.E50 ∙ The one with the return of Steve Wang Mon, Aug 24, 2020 Add a plot Rate 50 moreAll Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data ...
Sequels have been historically hard to pull off let alone 35 years after the first one. Denis Villeneuve I tip my replicant hat to you my friend. From the opening sequence all the way down to the movie poster, which hangs proudly in my office. Young Blade Runner K's discovery of a lo...
While the MonsterVerse is on top of the box office with Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, plenty of fans are just starting their titan trek. From Godzilla to Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, there is a lot to take in. And not long ago, the writer behind Skull Island updated fans on how ...
His abilities are very much in line with that of a gorilla, except many, many times the size. The so-called Legendary Pictures "MonsterVerse" is set to come crashing together in 2020, with the big team-up film, Godzilla vs. Kong. Let's hope humanity survives until then, because the ...
His abilities are very much in line with that of a gorilla, except many, many times the size. The so-called Legendary Pictures "MonsterVerse" is set to come crashing together in 2020, with the big team-up film, Godzilla vs. Kong. Let's hope humanity survives until then, because t...