He was entrusted by Zhu as a leading artillery officer for the rebel army that overthrew the Mongol Yuan dynasty, and established the Ming Dynasty. As a senior adviser and general, he was later appointed to the venerable and noble status of the Count of Dongning. He edited and wrote a ...
Although the Mongol rulers of China adopted some Chinese customs, such as the use of the Civil Service Exam system based on the writings of Confucius, the dynasty maintained its distinctly Mongol approach to life and lordship. Yuan emperors and empresses were famous for their love of hunting fro...
Though it is not confirmed, the Floro Caverns are likely part of the Flora Kingdom, as many Floro Sapiens are seen there, and it is where King Croacus' room is located. The previous rulers of the Flora Kingdom were King Croacus I, Queen Croacus II and King Croacus III. ...
Though it is not confirmed, the [[Floro Caverns]] are likely part of the Flora Kingdom, as many Floro Sapiens are seen there, and it is where King Croacus' room is located. The previous rulers of the Flora Kingdom were [[King Croacus I]], [[Queen Croacus II]] and [[King Cro...
rulers rulier ruling rumaki rumals rumbas rumble rumbly rumbos rumens rumina rumkin rummer rumors rumour rumped rumple rumply rumpos rumpus rundle runins runkle runlet runnel runner runnet runoff runout runrig runted runway rupees rupiah rupias rurals rurban ruscus rushed rushee rushen rusher ...
(19)augustusCaesar,thefounderoftheRomanempire,ushered inthegoldenageofRome. MAO***(1893-1976)ledthecommunistpartytoseizepower andinthenext27years,thegreatpowerwastransformed considerably. (21)genghiskhan(1162-1227)wasagreatMongolconqueror, buildingagreatempirefarfromEuropeandAsia. (...
Cloth. £75.00 A compilation of 10 essays on various aspects of Mongol rule in China. 109 Chang Hsin-pao: COMMISSIONER LIN AND THE OPIUM WAR. Cambridge, 1964. xiv, 319 pp. Notes, bibliography, glossary, index, 3 maps. 24x16 cm. Cloth. £45.00 The author places the Opium War in ...
Ungern was an arch-conservative monarchist who aspired to restore the Russian monarchy under Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia and to revive the Mongol Empire under the rule of the Bogd Khan. During the Russian Civil War, Ungern's attraction to Vajrayana Buddhism and his eccentric, ...