Social life on campus at CWRU is very limited as students are highly focused onacademics. Vs: Y...
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign(UIUC),College of Engineering,CS 查看大图 地理位置偏僻被戏称玉米地,前一年章姑娘遇害事件,让我对UIUC犹豫了很长时间。UIUC有全美闻名的工程学院,本科工院排名稳居第6,最热门的CS专业排名仅次于斯坦福、MIT、伯克利和卡梅,中国唯一的图灵奖获得者姚期智就是在那里获得的博士学位。
招生官邮件联系:发送邮件到负责她们所在区域的主招生官的邮箱,但是有些学校不喜欢这样做比如MIT招生是不分区域的,所以你在申请时也要了解大学的文化。 2.F同学 美高/福州 N0.21 University of California-Berkeley 录取专业:心理学 语言及标化:托福108,SAT1500,speaking22比较低,SAT2和AP考试考了但是没提交 课外活...
Google Students TheHappieCat Treehouse Jesse Showalter LowLevelJavascript Javidx9 Abdul Bari Computerphile 3Blue1Brown Ben Eater Prismic Harkirat Singh The Cherno Kent C. Dodds CodingWithMitch Hussein Nasser Healthy Software Developer Python Programmer GOTO Conferences Eddie Jaoude Christopher Okhravi GitHub...
虽然MIT的招生官表示:“在麻省理工学院, 我们录取的是人,而不是数字。”但想成功拿到MIT的录取,标化成绩满分或接近满分已经是标配。 Middle 50% score range of admitted students(25th and 75th percentiles) 二、Class of 2027新生班级数据 今年秋天,将有1096名新生入读MIT,也就是说今年有195名学生放弃了MIT的...
Bubbleflat - Online platform that helps students and young Professionals find their perfect roommates by searching for people with similar lifestyles, interests, or schools. Laravel & Vuejs sunpos - Sun position, elevation, azimuth, ecliptic/equatorial coordinates and sunrise/sunset time (Julian day...
It was the first of the original MOOC platforms to reach unicorn status (over $1 billion valuation), and it partners with technology companies to create Nanodegrees that train students for technology-focused jobs. Nanodegrees cost around $1,000, and they can take a few months to complete. ...
GPA(middle 25%-75% students):4.15-4.29 UCB是顶尖研究型大学,享有“公立常春藤”之称。其STEM专业在UC系统中领先,尤其是计算机科学、工程、自然科学和数学。工程专业方面,UCB与MIT、斯坦福和CMU并称“四大天王”。对国际学生来说,UCB也是美国最昂贵的公立大学之一。
Editor's note:This list was compiled based on reporter research, including academic reports; interviews with analysts and consultants in the online learning space; as well as reviews of dozens of learning platforms for information about their course offerings, number of students served and/or targete...
It was the first of the original MOOC platforms to reach unicorn status (over $1 billion valuation), and it partners with technology companies to create Nanodegrees that train students for technology-focused jobs. Nanodegrees cost around $1,000, and they can take a few months to complete. ...