stolen the publishing rights to their songs, and neglected to pay their taxes for five years; this last had necessitated their French "exile" in 1971.After years of pursuit by the IRS, Klein was convicted of a misdemeanor charge of making a false statement on his 1972 tax return, for whic...
On November 10, 2009, Nowak agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors and pleaded guilty to charges of felony burglary of a car and misdemeanor battery. Nowak remained a Navy captain until August 2010, when a naval board of inquiry, composed of three admirals, voted unanimously to reduce Nowak...
Those who break the law face a misdemeanor charge. Montana // Wikimedia Commons Montana - Banned pets: ape, bat, gibbon, raccoon, skunk, alligator; more than one large bear or large cat without permit In Montana, keeping more than one bear, large cat, or a hybrid of a...