The list of Minnesota cities below is sorted by Walk Score, but can also be sorted by population or alphabetically (click table's heading to sort). City Zip Code Walk Score Transit Score Bike Score Population Minneapolis (the largest city in Minnesota) 55407 71 55 83 382,578 St. Paul ...
State Population Density: How crowded is each state on average, measured by number of residents per square mile. Area Codes: The telephone area codes for each state. Top 5 Cities (2020 population): The top 5 cities for each state, based on 2020 US Census data. Government...
Here is a list of all 50 U.S. states arranged alphabetically, including their capitals, largest cities, abbreviations, population, area, state nicknames, and census regions. Click on any U.S. State for its Map & Information StateAbbreviationsPopulation (Census 2020)Area (sq mi)CapitalLargest ...
Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Article History This is a list of selected cities, towns, and other populated places in the United States, ordered alphabetically by state. (See also city and urban planning.)...
National Centers for Environmental Information: List of all free data from the NCEI - sorted alphabetically not by category, but includes elevation models, land cover, seismology and more. North American Environmental Atlas: Environmental data for the whole of the North American continent, including ...
List of Columbia Records artists, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This Columbia Records roster includes both past and present artists.
Minnesota Geospatial Commons Mississippi GIS New York State GIS New Mexico Resource GIS program North Carolina OneMap Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program Oklahoma Water Resources Board GIS data Oregon Spatial Data Library Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access ...
List of famous people who drowned, including photos, birthdates, professions, and other information. These celebrities who drowned are listed alphabetically and include the famous drowning victims’ hometown and biographical info about them when available. The list you're viewing is made up of a ...
List of notable or famous Fox News Channel employees, listed alphabetically with photos when available. This list is a directory of the best Fox News Channel ...