Williams brought her methodology for making sense of disorder and uncovering hidden patterns toFlux Trends. At the market research firm she specializes in the future of finance, working mainly
57 Than Shwe Myanmar Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council (1992–2011)Prime Minister (1992–2003)Chairman of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (1993–2011) 2 February 1933 91 years 353 days 21 April 2023[57] 58 Paul Biya Cameroon Prime Minister (1975–1982)Presid...
He was dubbed the "Opium King" in Myanmar due to his massive opium smuggling operations in the Golden Triangle, where he was the dominant opium warlord from approximately 1976–1996. Although the American ambassador to Thailand called him "the worst enemy the world has", he successfully co-...
1. The Chinese government signed memoranda of understanding on Belt and Road cooperation with the governments of Mongolia, Pakistan, Nepal, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Timor-Leste, Singapore, Myanmar and Malaysia. 2. The Chinese government signed Belt and Road cooperation do...
Foreigners cannot become naturalised citizens of Myanmar, unless they can prove a close familial connection to the country. Reference here. Nepal. –NO Dual citizenship is not permitted in Nepal. Reference: There is a total prohibition on dual nationality in Nepal. To lawfully be issued a ...
Through extensive interviews conducted inside and outside the country she builds a richly textured picture of how people cope with their daily life -- and some innovative forms ... More »27. Myanmar's Enemy Within: Buddhist Violence and the Making of a Muslim Other By Francis Wade; Linsey...
Rudyard Kipling, a British Poet and Writer. And he has been awarded Nobel Prize for Literature for his works in Literature such as Poems and Short Stories related to India and Burma/ Myanmar. 2.Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul-2001 Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul,a British Writer ofIndian Originwas...
Simon said an aid cut for Guatemala would only lead to a further deterioration of drug-fighting institutions. He said aid to Haiti will be continued primarily on humanitarian grounds. Sanctions were continued against Myanmar, also known as Burma. This was symbolic because that country has not rec...
Meanwhile, culture ministers of Belgium's three linguistic communities (Dutch, French and German) issued a joint statement in celebration of the inscription. "The recognition by UNESCO is the culmination of the work of countless brewers, beer lovers, beer promoters and beer scholars. This recognitio...
The prime minister of India (Hindi: pradhan mantri) is the executive head of the Republic of India and the leader of the Council of Ministers that aids and advises the president, who is the constitutional head of the country. The prime minister should be