Starring Gary Cooper and Burt Lancaster, this rousing adventure follows two American mercenaries who become involved in a conflict between the French occupying forces and the Mexican revolutionaries during the Franco-Mexican War. Directed by Robert Aldrich, the film is known for its thrilling action ...
To add a touch of English sophistication to her New Mexican estate, Effie (Lea Penman) convinces Humphrey (Bob Hope), a man she thinks is a British butler, to come to the United States in her employ. In reality, "Humphrey" is Arthur, a struggling American actor in need of a job. Wh...
Their efforts to find the guns before they reach the hands of Mexican revolutionaries are hampered by a sharp-shooting lady marshal. 7.2/10 (34)Rate S1.E14 ∙ The Knife of Carlos ValeroThu, Sep 25, 1952 When a young Mexican is framed for murder, Hoppy and Red hide him from a lynch...
U.S.-Mexican War (1846-1847)-The United States invaded Mexico and forced the Mexicans to cede the northern half of the country and also to give up any claim to Texas. Yaqui Indian War (1899-1904?)--One of the last of the long series of Mexican-Indian Wars, this conflict began ...
Overview: A young idealistic English filmmaker, Sue, arrives in India to make a film on Indian revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad and their contemporaries and their fight for freedom from the British Raj. Owing to a lack of funds, she recruits students from Delhi University to act...
Mexican Car Brands logos The Mexican car industry has shown everyone that you don’t need the largest budgets in the world to actually compete with some of the richest countries you could think of. They put a lot of heart and soul into their mechanical engineering industry and this clearly ...
Accusations of Cultural Appropriation very often stem from competing selfish economic interests (E.g., "What right do those p*nche Gringos have to set up a taco place right here on Guadalupe Drive to take away business from Doña Teresa's Taquería? They even dare to play Mexican music ...
In a campaign supported by both the Saudi and US governments, a coalition of former FSA brigades - rebranded as the Syrian Revolutionaries Front (SRF) - launched a surprise offensive against ISIS in the spring of 2014. VICE News was the first western video crew to go into northern Syria ...
Clients and agents munched on a spread of Mexican food, including dorados tacos and house made tortilla chips, while they sipped drinks from the tequileria. The Black List's Franklin Leonard mingled with some of the writers that got signed off ...
Mallory (James Coburn), an Irish Republican Army explosives expert on the lam from the British, fall in with a band of revolutionaries plotting to strike a national bank. When it turns out that the government has been using the bank as a hiding place for illegally detained political prisoners...