Metasploit framework is an incredible hacking and pentesting tool that every hacker worth their salt should be conversant and capable on. In this post, I will try to provide you the most complete list and description available anywhere on the web. You will want to bookmark this page too, as...
Metasploit— Development discussion for Metasploit, the premier open source remote exploitation tool Archived Posts RSS Feed About List Wireshark— Discussion of the free and open source Wireshark network sniffer. No other sniffer (commercial or otherwise) comes close. This archive combines the Wiresha...
BypassAV DesertFox 使用Golang实现免杀加载CobaltStrike和Metasploit的shellcode,目前免杀火绒、Avast、腾讯安全管家、360全家桶等主机安全软件。 BypassAV DInjector This repository is an accumulation of code snippets for various shellcode injection techniques using fantastic D/Invoke API BypassAV GoBypass Golan...
Metasploit— Development discussion for Metasploit, the premier open source remote exploitation tool Archived Posts RSS Feed About List Wireshark— Discussion of the free and open source Wireshark network sniffer. No other sniffer (commercial or otherwise) comes close. This archive combines the Wiresha...
Spike- A fuzzer development framework like sulley, a predecessor of sulley. Metasploit Framework- A framework which contains some fuzzing capabilities via Auxiliary modules. Nightmare- A distributed fuzzing testing suite with web administration, supports fuzzing using network protocols. ...
Metasploit is a tool that can be used to make, test, and run attack code against a remote target. This is a good way to check for weaknesses. Burp Suite and OWASP ZAP are well-known ways to look for security holes on the web. They look at the security of web apps in depth. ...
He has in-depth knowledge of the Metasploit framework and has a great way of teaching you all the things you need to know about Metasploit. I want to mention it there for everyone who is capable of speaking German, and I wish that there will be an English release of the book one day...
Metasploit Bootcamp by Nipun Jaswal What you will learn: Get hands-on knowledge of Metasploit Perform penetration testing on services like Databases, VOIP and much more Understand how to Customize Metasploit modules and modify existing exploits Write simple yet powerful Metasploit automation scripts Explor...
armitage 150813 A graphical cyber attack management tool for Metasploit. blackarch-exploitation HomePage armor 5.bae27a6 A simple Bash script designed to create encrypted macOS payloads capable of evading antivirus scanners. blackarch-exploitation HomePage armscgen 98.c51b7d6 ARM Shellcode Generator (...
A curated list of awesome resources, books, hardware, software, applications, people to follow, and more cool stuff about vehicle security, car hacking, and tinkering with the functionality of your car. I would love as much help as I can get.Start contributing!