T M Kaliannan Gounder Former Member of the Indian Constituent Assembly Sir Anerood Jugnauth Former PM and President of Mauritius Dr Lakshmi Nandan Bora Assamese Litterateur Dingko Singh Asian games Gold Winning Boxing Player Buddhadeb Dasgupta National Award Winning Bengali Film Director Surat Singh Mat...
aComponent : constituent of a POE (Bought Out Parts), POI (In-House Parts), POU (Plant Worked Parts) item. The structured assembly of all the components of a part forms the parts list. 组分: POE的组成部分 (收买了零件), POI (机构内部的零件), POU (植物工作的零件) 项目。 零件的所有...
In 1994, she was also elected to the constituent assembly that amended the Constitution of Argentina. She was the First Lady from 2003 to 2007 after Néstor Kirchner was elected president. Néstor Kirchner did not run for reelection. Instead, Cristina Kirchner was the candidate for the Front ...
The council had difficulty in exerting its authority because of frequent strikes and demonstrations.An election held in October for a constituent assembly to prepare a draft constitution reflected a lack of public interest in determining the country's political future. The first attempt at elections,...
n. [分析,分析報告] study; investigation; the process of breaking down a substance into its constituent parts You can read more about those studies here, and my analysis is here. Show examples and contexts anecdote n. [奇聞軼事] a short account of the amusing or interesting event; short ...
Assemblyto draft a Pact of Federal Union(17-19 November 1950)9430. EUF Third Annual Congress: Motion Concerning a EuropeanFederal Constituent Assembly(19 November 1950)9831. Appendices: Lists of Members and Statute 99Bibliography to Chapter I 109II. The European Parliamentary Union (EPU)(HERIBERT...
The overall rank in the list (out of 1400) is shown, together with the headword, and other members of the word family. The table also shows whether or not the words appear in the GSL or the AWL. Word family information is derived from the Lextutor familizer, based on the 25k BNC-...
Palewski: organs of European federation(17Feb. 1948)5615. Michel Mouskhely and Gaston Stefani: 'Draft of a Europeanfederal constitution'(5 March 1948)5716. National Assembly: motion for the convening of a EuropeanConstituent Assembly(19March1948)6417. MRP: 'Foreign policy motion'(10May 1948)671...
"They're probably a constituent from your district but they're firmly embedded in AIPAC." Send Letter to Editor 2024-06-06Opinions 06-06-2024 Johnson And Schumer Invite War Criminal And Mass Murderer To Address Congress Mark this most recent event as yet another piece of evidence that Israe...
He was sent to Broadmoor Hospital in 1962 after poisoning several members of his family. In 1971 when he was released, he went on to poison 7 more people and killed two. He was then sent to Parkhurst Prison where he died of a heart attack in 1990. Birthplace: Neasden, London, ...