List of famous people born in 1976, with photos when available. This list of celebrities born in 1976 is loosely ordered by popularity, so the most well-known people are at the top. All sorts of men and women are featured on this list, including actors, singers, musicians and athletes bo...
His winners single, "When You Believe" currently ranks as the seventh best-selling X Factor winners single beating off competition from the likes of Little Mix with "Cannonball", Sam Bailey with "Skyscraper" and Louisa Johnson with "Forever Young". His debut album also ranks as the eighth ...
01. My head photoshopped on Fidel Castro's head in the famous photo of his meeting with Malcolm X at the Theresa Hotel in Harlem. 02. A photograph of me in the kitchen smiling and holding a skillet. On the counter next to me is a plate of eggs and sausage and a cup of orange jui...
List of famous people born in 1985, with photos when available. This list of celebrities born in 1985 is loosely ordered by popularity, so the most well-known ...