Activity Activity is based on recent site visitor activity relative to other medications in the list. Rx Prescription only. OTC Over-the-counter. Rx/OTC Prescription or Over-the-counter. Off-label This medication may not be approved by the FDA for the treatment of this condition. EUA An Emer...
Experts aren’t exactly sure what causes depression but believe it is due to a combination of different factors, such as genetic vulnerability, faulty mood regulation by the brain, stress, chemicals in the brain, medications, or medical problems, that all interact together to bring on depression...
Developmental disorders, like alearning disability, Asperger's disorder, or mental retardation, are often included in diagnostic manuals for mental disorders, but this group of conditions does not by definition mean the person involved has a problem with their mood. It is important to understand tha...
These "co-occurring" conditions include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, hormonal disorders (especially perimenopause or hypothyroidism, known as "low thyroid"), Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Medication use: Some medications used for long periods, such as prednisone, certain ...
Many older adults take both prescription and over-the-counter medicines for allergies, mood, or sleep. Before doing so, however, make sure you consult with your doctor. There is a good chance that some of these medications are classified as “anticholinergic drugs.” ...
Psychiatric medications may help with certain symptoms of personality disorders.In ICD-9, personality disorders were described as follows:severe disturbances in the personality and behavioural tendencies of the individual; not directly resulting from disease, damage or other insult to the brain, or from...
(慢性的) medical conditions, people who take certain medications that can reduce the ability of the body to sweat, and the “disabled”, notes Ebi, going on to describe the different threats that heatwaves pose to different types of disabilities. Ebi notes the difficulty people with mobility ...
Developmental disorders, like alearning disability, Asperger's disorder, or mental retardation, are often included in diagnostic manuals for mental disorders, but this group of conditions does not by definition mean the person involved has a problem with their mood. ...
Its main active compound thymoquinone (TQ) has been shown to benefit cognitive and mental illness, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, diabetes, inflammation, and infertility.The Prophet Mohammed was said to have described the curative powers of Black Seed Oil as, “it has a remedy for every ...