List of Job Titles 職位名稱一覽 (Updated on 25/6/2012) Accounting Accountant Accounting/ Book-keeping Clerk Assistant Accountant Auditor 會計 會計師會計 簿記文員助理會計師核數員 收銀員 停車場收銀員收銀員 清潔 清潔員 洗碗員 洗髮工 洗衣工 文員 行政文員助理文員聯絡員 策劃員契約文員...
1Job Titles in Korean 2Medical-related Jobs in Korean 2.1“Doctor” in Korean 2.2“Nurse” in Korean 2.3“Dentist” in Korean 2.4“Pharmacist” in Korean 3University/School Jobs in Korean 3.1“Teacher” in Korean 3.2“Professor” in Korean ...
Find your perfect Job MatchSearch millions of jobs to find your next employer.Subscribe Now Most searched Job Titles Search our most popular job titles to find your perfect match. Office Assistant Customer Service Warehouse Associate Restaurant Server Driver Work from Home Medical Assistant ...
Millions of real salary data collected from government and companies - annual starting salaries, average salaries, payscale by company, job title, and city. Information for research of yearly salaries, wage level, bonus and compensation data comparison.
If you’re working in the medical industry, the section below is for you. You’ll learn the Korean words for a few of the common jobs in the medical field. “Doctor” in Korean The word“doctor” in Koreanis 의사 (uisa).
Evaluating Job Offers By the end of this module, you will understand the components of doing good research relative to job titles and industries. You will be able to make informed decisions about job offers, and describe commonly accepted timelines and negotiation points. ...
This is the overview for the medical abbreviations series.This list is far from complete; you can help by expanding it. Comprehensive reference books of medical abbreviations are available in bookstores and libraries. (See the bibliography for some suggested titles.)...
Job titles are used on résumés to list your work experience.A.职位字幕用在简历中来列举你的工作经验。B.职位
Companies that post here are a combination of purely tech companies, startups, and the odd real estate and medical small businesses. Networking Thailand, especially Bangkok and Chiang Mai, is a hub for networking events in the IT industry. Every time I attended a networking event here, I ...
职位名称一览 List of Job Titles (Updated on 25/6/2012) 会计 Accounting 会计师 Accountant 会计簿记文员 Accounting/ Book-keeping Clerk 助理会计师 Assistant Accountant 核数员 Auditor 收银员 Cashier 停车场收银员 Car Park Cashier 收银员 Cashier 清洁 Cleaner 清洁员 Cleaner 洗碗员 Dish Washer 洗发工 ...