Bridges- an annual conference on mathematical connections in art, music, architecture, and culture. The 2025 meeting is in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Misc Areas of mathematics on Wikipedia Paul's Online Math Notes- Paul Dawkins (Lamar University) ...
Boost.Math Includes several contributions in the domain of mathematics: Floating Point Utilities, Mathematical Constants, Statistical Distributions and Functions, Statistics, Vector Functionals - Norms, Special Functions, Root Finding & Minimization Algorithms, Polynomials and Rational Functions, Interpolation, ...
DDMathParser - DDMathParser makes it easy to parse a String and evaluate it as a mathematical expression. PlotKit - Plots made easy. SigmaSwiftStatistics - A collection of functions for statistical calculation. swix - A general matrix language. Upsurge - Simple and fast matrix and vector math...
Because he was the first to use mathematical formulae to describe the laws of physics, Huygens has been called the first theoretical physicist and the founder of mathematical physics.In 1659, Huygens was the first to derive the now standard formula for the centripetal force in his work De vi...
Many of these scientists are rumored to have a disability. Among famous people with learning disabilities is Temple Grandin, who is very open about being on the autism spectrum.(image source: Wikipedia, Creative Commons)Alexander Graham Bell – Inventor (Asperger’s) Baruj Benacerraf – ...
Daniel Tammet, Mathematical Genius Source and Image: Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant who can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations at amazing speeds. But unlike other savants who can perform similar feats, Tammet can actually describe how he does it. He also speaks ...
Those include the generation of high quality medical databases from a large, ethnically diverse patient base that has both women and men; improvement of mathematical models to account for the many interacting processes in the body; and further modification of Al methods that were developed mainly ...
aesara A library for defining, optimizing, and efficiently evaluating mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays. 15 stack-data Extract data from python stack frames and tracebacks for informative displays 15 flaml A fast library for automated machine learning and tuning 15 sense2vec ...
DDMathParser - DDMathParser makes it easy to parse a String and evaluate it as a mathematical expression. PlotKit - Plots made easy. SigmaSwiftStatistics - A collection of functions for statistical calculation. swix - A general matrix language. Upsurge - Simple and fast matrix and vector math...
Her mathematical abilities were so impressive that she could perform calculations that computers at that time failed to do. 13 Veronica Seider, telescopic vision Source and Image: In October 1972 the University of Stuttgart, in what was then West Germany, reported that there ...