Dungeons and Dragons (D&D, DnD) Fifth Edition (5e) spells. A list of all the spells, spell index, create spellbooks, print them as cards or as a list
Spells List 5e评分及评论 4.8(满分 5 分) 3,215 个评分 That_Guy01,2019/03/23 Great app for searching for spells As of when I submitted this review, it only has PHB, DMG, XGtE, SCAG, and a little bit from GGtR. The only spell that I see missing is Detect Thoughts from GGtR but...
War Caster 5eis only for classes that can cast spells, but it’s essential if you’re planning to play any combination of martial and spellcasting in combat. Not to mention the fact that most squishy spellcasters could benefit from the armor class bonus of aDnD shield. SomeDnD subclassesre...
Days of Thunder Dawn Age First Flowering Crown Wars The Founding Time Age of Humanity Era of Upheaval Second Sundering Marking the Years Inhabitants by alignment by class by location by occupation by organization by race by religion Magic Items Spells Schools Substance...
Select the image of the visitor and let GPT work some Magic. Anime AI Art Prompter Creates AI Prompts for Anime Style AI Images Photo Scribe I craft first-person photo narratives, as if I am the photographer, in Japanese or as per user's language. GPT Customizer, File Finder & JSON ...
A gritty, low-magic, hardcore survival-adventure experience with an uncompromising vision. Hundreds of new quests and locations, a total mechanics overhaul, and a complete makeover of the graphics and atmosphere. The path to your destiny as the Dragonborn will be long and treacherous. Welcome to...
The Bardic College of Names, the Dread sorcerous origin, and the Shadowcaller tradition for the wizard make up this first chapter of forgotten lore. The Art of Peace. In a world of violence and vicious magic, monks of the Shifting Flow and the Watchful Gate audaciously dream of peace. The...
Suppose I have a multiclassed bard/warlock who choosesunseen servantas one of their warlock spells. Given thatunseen servantis also on the bard list, can they then use the bard's Ritual Casting feature with this spell? The Ritual Casting feature says ...
Eilistraee's identity as a nurturing and artistic goddess[25] showed in her magic and skills. Despite having access to all kinds of magic,[4] she focused on powers related to nature, life, creation, and enchantment.[4] She was also an excellent crafter and weaponsmith, and could freely ...
This app hasn’t been updated for 3 years and only has the core spells. The DnD5e app has basically every spell ever printed. It’s clearly something that can be done with relative easy. Like if books just came out it’d be one thing. But 3 years? Outrageous. And to charge for ...