Released: 2009 Directed by: Andrew Bowser, Joseph M. Petrick 51 The Wacky World of Mother Goose Margaret Rutherford 6 votes The Wacky World of Mother Goose is an animated feature film made by Rankin/Bass, written by Romeo Muller and directed by Jules Bass based on Charles Perrault's storie...
The group's main members over the years included brothers Robert Bell on bass and Ronald Bell on tenor saxophone, lead vocalist James "J.T." Taylor, George Brown on drums, Larry Gittens on trumpet, Dennis Thomas on alto saxophone, Claydes Charles Smith on guitar, Mar...
Maxis the name for Warner Bros Discovery’s streaming service. It is the home of a large back library of content from Warner Bros, both from its movies and TV shows. This includes franchises from DC Comics, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and more. You can alsostream contentfrom HBO’...
Ghost Hunt, effectively one of the most mainstream ghost-related anime arrangements out there. In addition to the fact that it presents some precise ghost chasing information, yet it can reveal to some unpleasant stories.
Sometimes it’s a spirit or ghost in hiding that has possessed the painting. Usually female, she falls for the scholar who stands in front of the painting day and night, besotted by her image. At the end of the story, she is often obligated to return to the painting, causing it to ...
Here we gathered the best horror movies of the world. They are sorted by rating. This top 50 horror list was created with All My Movies program. If you want to sort this movie list by title or check the movies you already seen, you can download All My Movies, open the collection and...
I’m Bombette. Nice to meet you!♥" "Oh, finally! I couldn't stand being in that spooky forest for another minute!" "Hm? Mario! I'm positive that's the mansion the creepy old ghost was telling us about..." "Mario, they'll throw us out of the castle if they catch us." "...
This list of implied characters is a list of characters that have not physically appeared in any form of media up to this point in time. Regardless of their lack of appearance, the implied characters have been mentioned at least once throughout the...
Hearts of Spring (2016) -- Cassandra Den Haan / Uncredited Others Heaven, V.C. Andrew's (2019) -- Madeline HirvonenHeaven Is For Real (2014) -- Lane Styles / Ursula Clark / OthersHeaven Sent (2016) -- Mallory James Mahoney
Blend In or Fade Out by Colnese M. Hendon (Strive Publishing, Mar 31, 2022) Spirituality, Racism, and the Phantom: Tranquil Skies; The Mystique of Flight by James T. Hollin, Jr. (Dorrance Publishing, Jan 19, 2022) Drone Child: A Novel of War, Family, and Survival by David H. R...