Another popular list of literary agents, also in book form, features profiles for almost every literary agency in business today. That’s a good thing, but it doesn’t say much about the agents on the list. In other words, this particular publishing agents list doesn’t allow you to learn...
Example:“brag” is an anagram of “grab,” and vice versa. We can go on. “Night” is an anagram of “thing”! Related terms:palindrome, semordnilap 65. Antithesis Made up of two different words (“anti” and “thesis”),antithesisis a literary device that juxtaposes opposing ideas,...
literary literature little live load loaf loan local lock lodge log lonely long look loose loosen lord lose loss lot loud love lovely low loyal loyalty luck lump lunch lung machine machinery mad madden mail main make male man manage mankind manner manufacture many map march mark market marriage ...
1.(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) the characters or a list of characters in a play or story 2.the main personalities in any situation or event [C18: from New Latin] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, ...
3.(Library Science & Bibliography) a list of the works of a particular author or publisher 4.(Library Science & Bibliography) a.the study of the history, classification, etc, of literary material b.a work on this subject ˌbibliˈographern ...
Allusion is a figure of speech that makes a reference to, or representation of, a laceeventliterarworkmthor p , , y , y ,work of art, either directly or by implication. Example- “He’s no Einstein” FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE When writers use literary terms in their work.s – ...
English language has a huge data of interesting words. As many attributes, traits the animate and inanimate world presents, so does the list increases and goes on; thereby making the learning process more interesting and twisty!
例如novels,poetry and literary criticism(小说、诗歌和文学评论)。criticize['krɪtɪsaɪz]【释义】v. 批评、评论。如果你criticize something or someone,你就是表达自己不同意他们看法的观点。【例句】It is fair to criticize and question the mechanism - that is the culture of research,after all ...
Example:“brag” is an anagram of “grab,” and vice versa. We can go on. “Night” is an anagram of “thing”! Related terms:palindrome, semordnilap 65. Antithesis Made up of two different words (“anti” and “thesis”),antithesisis a literary device that juxtaposes opposing ideas,...
language learner. You only need to know about 3,000 to 5,000 of these characters to pass as reasonably well educated in the language. Knowing 3,000 characters would help you read a modern Chinese newspaper, and knowing 5,000 characters would help you get started with a Chinese literary ...