lifeofjs –Curated source for all types of awesome resources available for JavaScript. Linux_websites In Chinese –Websites related to Linux kernel development. machine-learning-algorithms –Conceptual understanding of all machine learning algorithms. Machine-Learning-Tutorials –Machine Learning and Deep...
DistroWatch is a website dedicated to talking about, reviewing, ranking and keeping up to date with open source operating systems. This site particularly focuses on GNU/Linux distributions and flavours of BSD, though other open source operating systems are sometimes discussed. There is a lot of ...
Allegro's Common Graphics- a library of functions for writing windowized GUIs for Windows, Mac and Linux. Proprietary with a free version. since Allegro 10.1 (March, 2022), the IDE and the Common Graphics toolkit runs in the browser. 👍 Qtools - A Qt toolkit, based on CommonQt. zlib...
Allegro’s Common Graphics- a library of functions for writing windowized GUIs for Windows, Mac and Linux. Proprietary with a free version. since Allegro 10.1 (March, 2022), the IDE and the Common Graphics toolkit runs in the browser. 👍 Qtools - A Qt toolkit, based on CommonQt. zlib...
As per the official information, DuckDuckGo’s search results are derived from 400 distinct sources (algorithms), including Yahoo! Search, Search BOSS, Wolfram Alpha, Bing, Yandex, Wikipedia, its own web crawler (the DuckDuckBot), among others. ...
GothicBBB-Medium –used by Adobe as one of the two CJK fonts in many examples in its documentation. [F] Kochi Gothic (東風ゴシック)– Originally named Watanabe font (渡邊フォント), is a font formerly considered free that is included with a number of Linux distributions. The development ...
SFML Simple and Fast Multimedia Library; multi-platform (Windows, Linux, macOS and soon Android & iOS); provides a simple interface to ease the development of games and multimedia applications. It is composed of five modules: system, window, graphics (over OpenGL), audio and network. zlib/...
See also Wikipedia:Terminal pager. more— A simple and feature-light pager. It is a part of util-linux. || util-linux less— A program similar to more, but with support for both forward and backward scrolling, as... A Project of Action Without Borders; Searchable Worldwide Non-Profit And Community Organizations Database International Panel On Climate Change (IPCC): Includes Summary For Policy Makers, April 6, 2007 (United Nations Environment Programme Sponsored) Inhumanity Report: Wikipedia Report On...
While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials. lsof on Wikipedia lsof Manual Page on This page was originally published on July 16, 2019. networking linux Your Feedback Is...