Namespace: System.Linq Assembly: System.Core (in System.Core.dll) Syntax C# Copy public static List<TSource> ToList<TSource>( this IEnumerable<TSource> source ) Type Parameters TSource The type of the elements of source. Parameters source Type: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource...
Methods Org.Apache.Http.Client.Params Org.Apache.Http.Client.Protocol Org.Apache.Http.Client.Utils Org.Apache.Http.Conn Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Params Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Routing Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Schemes Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Ssl Org.Apache.Http.Conn.Util Org.Apache.Http.Cookie.Params Org....
System.Linq Namespace System.Linq.Expressions Namespace System.Net Namespace System.Net.Browser Namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation Namespace System.Net.Sockets Namespace System.Numerics Namespace System.Reflection Namespace System.Reflection.Emit Namespace ...
That is very much like a LINQ provider for PHP, but I still put it in a different bit bucket in my mind. If you disagree, let me know. I do keep track of the languages that support LINQ in Links to LINQ post. It would probably be good for me to update that section and post ...
Microsoft.SqlServer.XEvent.Linq.Internal RadLangSvc ReportExecution2005 ReportService2005 ReportService2006 ReportService2010 ReportServiceAuthentication ScriptMigrationLearn SQL Server .NET API browser Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2010 ReportingService2010 Methods Reporting...
System.Linq.Expressions Namespace BinaryExpression Class BlockExpression Class CatchBlock Class ConditionalExpression Class ConstantExpression Class DebugInfoExpression Class DefaultExpression Class DynamicExpression Class ElementInit Class Expression Class Expression Class Expression Constructor Expression Methods Ex...
Here we an example of how you cantesteach element in your List for a certain value. This shows the foreach loop, which tests to see if 3 is in the List of prime numbers. Note that more advanced List methods are available tofind matches in the List, but they often aren't any better...
Linq for list comprehension in C++, provides an implementation of linq for C++. Currently it only supports C++ ranges, but it does support both the extension and query methods for linq. Here's an example: struct student_t { std::string last_name; std::vector<int> scores; }; std::vecto...
Linq Linq for list comprehension in C++, provides an implementation of linq for C++. Currently it only supports C++ ranges, but it does support both the extension and query methods for linq. Here's an example: structstudent_t{std::stringlast_name;std::vector<int>scores;};std::vector<stude...
Structs can be more performant than classes, but always analyze your specific case carefully before replacing theclasskeyword with astructor the other way around. A programmer’s job is not to blindly follow recommendations or best practices, but to choose the most appropriate tools, methods, appro...