List of Law Firms Feature - Alexander J. HernaezHernaez, AlexanderBerkley, Daniel TChrestionson, Keith IDaily Journal
Dorsey Joins List of Law Firms Laying off WorkersPhelps, David
第六名、Beijing Galaxy Law Firm(北京市星河律师事务所) 星河在力求充分发挥每位律师专长的基础上,注重以整体的服务水平和人员素质,竭诚满足客户的各种具体要求。星河的职责是依法保护客户的一切权益;星河的宗旨是客户利益高于一切;星河的义务是勤勉尽责;星河的特色是综合基础上的专业分工,星河的理念是创新进取,永远追求...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:navigation,search The source of this list is the 2009 Asian Legal Business ranking of Chinese law firms by total number of lawyers and partners.[1] Dacheng, 835 lawyers and partners King and Wood, 800 lawyers and partners Deheng, 675 lawyers and ...
In the recent bidding project initiated by the Ministry of Commerce(“MOFCOM”)for establishing the candidate list of law firms,Gaopeng won the bidding to the sub-list for WTO and RTA Dispute Resolution Domestic Law Firm and became one of MOFCOM’s suppliers in this bidding. The law firms ...
This article presents rankings of law firms in Detroit, Michigan, on the basis on number of attorneys employed by them. The first place is held by Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone PLC, employing a total of 228 emplo...
International Law Firms in China 一、Beijing City: 1. 澳大利亚安德慎律师事务所驻北京代表处 ALLENS BEIJING REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE(AUSTRALIA) 2. 澳大利亚铭德律师事务所驻北京代表处 MINTER ELLISON LAWYERS BEIJING REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE (AUSTRALIA) 3. 澳大利亚唐林律师事务所驻北京代表处 LIN TANG & Co. ...
The use of any materials or services or software is not a substitute for legal advice. Only a legal practitioner can provide legal advice and a legal practitioner should be consulted for any legal advice or matter. We neither endorse, nor solicit the work of any Lawyers, Law Firms, and ...
Complete List of Law Firms, Attorneys, Detective Services, International Law Firms Affordable Legal Help Worldwide
Attorneys, law firms and other service providers requesting to be listed in the Thailawforum Attorney Directory please send an email to with company name, address, phone number email, website URL and name of Thai lawyer contact. Please also list the types of cases that...