awesome-LaTeX awesome-ld-preload –LD_PRELOAD, a mechanism for changing application behavior at run-time. awesome-leading-and-managing –Leading people and being a manager. Geared toward tech, but potentially useful to anyone. awesome-learn-datascience –Resources to help you get started with Data...
DynamicDocs - Generate PDF documents with JSON to PDF API based on LaTeX templates. The free plan allows 50 API calls per month and access to a library of templates. Efemarai - Testing and debugging platform for ML models and data. Visualize any computational graph. Free 30 debugging sessions...
This is one of online WYSIWYG math editors. You can easy use it to type mathematics without knowing latex but it also provides import/export Latex. Input is faster because it uses Suggestion Box, Character Recognition,... This also support drawing Diagram (Input math in Diagram) Mathcha Edito...
QBook - generates HTML (or LaTeX) formatted code listings of Common Lisp source files. BSD_3Clause. all comments started with 4 ; (“;;;”) are interpreted as documentation. Enhance the documentation with headings and directives. QBook acts as “a lightweight literate programming system, wher...
This article or section is a candidate for merging withLaTeX. Notes:Duplicate (Discuss inTalk:LaTeX) WithLaTeX, creation of any scientific document, article, journal, etc. is made commonplace. See alsoWikipedia:Comparison of TeX editorsandthe LaTeX Wikibook. ...
advanced spell/grammar checks with the help of language-tool 借助语言工具进行高级拼写/语法检查 obsidian-latex Extended MathJax Enables additional MathJax packages and adds a global preamble for MathJax 启用其他 MathJax 包并为 MathJa...
Tutorials, Free Online Tutorials, the Best provides tutorials content and interview questions of all latest technology like java tutorial, android, java frameworks, javascript, ajax, core java, sql, python, php, c language, Machine Learni
Awesome LaTeX - (Source ⭐ 1.4K, 📝 24/07/18 ) - Curated list of LaTeX awesomeness Awesome Ledger - (Source ⭐ 126, 📝 18/04/25 ) - ⭐ Useful resources for the Ledger command-line accounting system Awesome List - (Source ⭐ 349K, 📝 02/28 ) - 😎 Awesome lists about...
Internet of Things (IoT) Knowledge Management Tools Learning and Courses Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS) Media Streaming Multimedia Streaming Audio Streaming Video Streaming Misc/Other Money, Budgeting and Management Monitoring Note-taking and Editors Office Suites Password Managers Pastebins Pers...
🌎 latex.css Make your website look like a LaTeX document 2533⭐ 345🍴 Paper CSS) Front-end printing solution 🌎 Windi CSS Next generation compiler for Tailwind CSS 🌎 Cirrus CSS A component and utility centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping. 4862⭐ 142🍴 Gutenberg) ...