Hisis a Japanese BL movie about two ex-boyfriends who reunite years later in a small rural town. One of them is a divorced father, who’s currently in an intense custody battle over his daughter. Reluctantly, his former lover offers them a place to stay at his house, in a peculiar li...
Japan boasts one of the largest music markets in the world, and it also has thriving film, television, and graphic novel industries. Anime, manga, doramas (the Japanese word for TV drama programs), and Studio Ghibli movies (where Princess Mononoke and My Neighbor Totoro come from, among ...
We have a continent's worth of hot Southeast Asian boys. They cum from Thailand, Hong Kong, Philippines, Japan and elsewhere. Beside the Thai, Chinese, Filipino, and Japanese guys, there are also Asian-Americans, inter-racial, multi-racial, and more; and lots of exclusive content. The maj...
Japan is a chain of islands. Japan’sfour main islands, from north to south, areHokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. TheRyukyu Islands, which include Okinawa, are a chain to the south of Kyushu. Together, the islands form the Japanese archipelago. It has 47 prefectures which are in tur...
Right in the heart of the Japanese Alps, Mt. Yari is famed for its stunning ridges and ripples, which catch snow to leave beautiful patterns. With views of Mt. Fuji from the top and incredible panoramas of the surrounding mountains, it’s no wonder it’s at the top of most hikers’ ...
second thought—a testament to societal trust. Even in crowded spots, people line up and wait their turn, reflecting a deeply ingrained “和“(wa, or harmony). And don’t get me started on the organized chaos of Japanese garbage sorting; it’s an eco-friendly discipline that’s impressive...
Hakuyū Taizan Maezumi (前角 博雄 Maezumi Hakuyū, February 24, 1931–May 15, 1995) was a Japanese Zen Buddhist teacher and rōshi, and lineage holder in the Sōtō, Rinzai, and Sanbo Kyodan traditions of Zen. He combined the Rinzai use of kōans and the Sōtō emphasis on shikantaza in...
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Shinobu meets upon Rei, Lum's handsome ex-fiancé, and brings him to Ataru's house, much to the dismay of Lum./Ataru and his friends find Rei in a restaurant. His poor Japanese being mocked makes him go wild, and as he chases the boys and Lum throughout town, the chaos grows on....
1359841307 VAN ZANDT, ELEANOR.(EDITOR) TREASURY OF CROCHET TECHNIQUES & PATTERNS. GBP 3.001491835469 ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Joseph's Parish Messenger USD 25.001497959557 HORTON, ROBERT F. (ROBERT FORMAN) (1855-1934) Revelation and the Bible : an attempt at reconstruction EUR 32.00...