Partial ISO 639 table[edit] This table lists all of: ISO 639-1: two-letter codes, one per language orISO 639 macrolanguage And some of: ISO 639-2/T: three-letter codes, for the same languages as 639-1 ISO 639-2/B: three-letter codes, mostly the same as 639-2/T, but with so...
🌎 HTML Color Codes Get HTML color codes, Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values with our color picker, color chart and HTML color names 🌎 Colors & Fonts A curated library of colors, fonts and resources 🌎 Palette List Pick 2 colors you like and the tool generates thousands of palette...
The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call. api-version query True string Client Api Version. Responses 展開資料表 NameTypeDescription 200 OK VirtualMachineScaleSetListWithLinkResult OK Other Status Codes CloudError Error response describing why the operation failed. ...
Mp4Format 描述输出 ISO MP4 文件的属性。 MultiBitrateFormat 描述用于生成 GOP 对齐的多比特率文件集合的属性。 默认行为是为每个视频层生成一个输出文件,该文件与所有音频一起复用。 可以通过指定 outputFiles 集合来控制生成的确切输出文件。 OnErrorType 转换可以定义多个输出。 此属性定义当一个输出失败时服务...
Crosses-n-Ous: Class Tic Tac Toe reincarnation with AI and state machines Screenshot 1 2021 swift gameplaykit ☆74 FityIt: Challenging shapes game of skill and reflexes Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 2021 swift spritekit game animation ☆107 Five In A ...
2.1.413 Part 1 Section, printPostScriptOverText (Print PostScript Codes With Document Text) 2.1.414 Part 1 Section, revisionView (Visibility of Annotation Types) 2.1.415 Part 1 Section, rsid (Single Session Revision Save ID) 2.1.416 Part 1 Section 17.15...
member-Read-Membership of the target object (of class User, Contact, or Group) in the group that is identified as the source object. middleNameRead-ReadAdditional names for a person (user or contact), for example, middle name, patronymic, matronymic, or other names. ...
2.1.413 Part 1 Section, printPostScriptOverText (Print PostScript Codes With Document Text) 2.1.414 Part 1 Section, revisionView (Visibility of Annotation Types) 2.1.415 Part 1 Section, rsid (Single Session Revision Save ID) 2.1.416 Part 1 Section 17.15...
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:iso#license smart registerlldp holdtime Use the lldp holdtime command to specify the hold time for the receiving device to hold the information from an LLDP packet before aging and removing it. To return to the default, use the no form of th...
ISO currency codes are three-letter alphabetic codes that represent the variouscurrenciesused throughout the world. When combined in pairs, they make up the symbols andcross ratesused in currency trading. Each of the country-specific three-letter alphabetic codes also has a corresponding three-digit...